GW Teases New Free Peoples & Beastmen Rules

By Wesley Floyd | May 31st, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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GW just gave us rules teasers on the Free Peoples, the former Empire faction, and the wily Chaos Beastmen for the new edition of Age of Sigmar.

Warhammer Community released the traits and rules for both the Beastmen and the peoples formerly known as Empire.

For the Free Peoples!

free peoples

In battle, the Free Peoples draw strength not from natural might but from superb coordination, fighting in tightly drilled detachments that allow them to tackle foes that alone they would find insurmountable. It is not merely the spirit of cooperation that drives them on, however – they are notoriously effective at range, scything through the ranks of Chaos Warriors with hails of crossbow fire or coordinated volleys from simple firearms.

Free Peoples in 2.0

battle tested veteran

Farming command points for taking your turn is pretty nice. You’re guaranteed to try and gain one. You don’t even have to wait for you or your opponent to spend one.

free people crossbowmen

Oh just a heads up, These Freeguild Crossbowmen will be able to hit and wound on 4s and be able to shoot at anyone charging them.

free people hold the line

Picking up three Freeguild Crossbowmen for this ability is brutal. Getting 60 shots per unit and hitting and wounding on 3s.

free peoples rousing battlecry

You can see where this is going. These generals can buff the ranks into a ridiculous hit roll of a 2+.

Artifacts for the Free

free people writ of dominion

Looking at this army, you can tell it plays like a rank and file army with an unholy amount of shooting and accurate at that. The Writ of dominion makes every shot even more brutal giving everyone around him +1 to wound for a turn. This army likes to sit still so make sure you get in position early. Plop your units on the objective and set up that firing line.

free people gyrph charm

This is a solid artifact for a character that’s going to be moving around the frontlines. Maybe someone who’s a bit of a melee backbone to your force.

The Free People will be strong with the storm of fire they can lay down. Make sure your positioning is good because there’s a lot of armies that would just love to be in close combat with you!

The Beastmen Cometh

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Warhammer Community is giving us all the details on their Faction Focus.

Who are the Beastmen?

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In the wilds of the Mortal Realms, an ancient evil plots. While many of the servants of Chaos are men, their most ancient and true children are the Brayherds, Warherds and Thunderscorn – mutants who combine the cunning and guile of men with the feral strength of beasts. Driven back during the Storm of Sigmar, vast tribes of these creatures – known collectively as the beasts of Chaos – now descend once more to the Mortal Realms as gigantic, mutated beasts shamble alongside teeming hordes of muscular, furious gor. Their aim? To destroy all traces of civilisation and drown the realms in pure, anarchic Chaos.

Beastmen in 2.0

Beastmen are great utility casters as Wizards. They’ll be able to use Arcane terrain to their advantage to buff your units and deny the enemies spells. On top of this, they are getting a special spell called Devolve.

beastmen devolve

You can pull key targets closer like characters and pesky units that want to keep you at-range. You’ll never fail a charge roll with this!

Punish those kharadron gunners by yelling GET OVER HERE and watching them run 2D6 towards you.



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What do you think about the previews? Are you going to spam crossbowmen and buff them to oblivion? What will you be looking for to pull closer to your ranks with Beastmen?

Let us know over in the comments on our Facebook Hobby Group.

aos 2.0

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