RUMORS: New Lumineth Realm-Lords Release Spotted!

lumineth realmlords walLooks like that new release Lumineth Realm-Lords starter box set may be hitting store shelves sooner than later. Check out the latest!

We’ve seen just about all we can see on Lumineth Realm-Lords aside from their rules… But unfortunately, the crisis has slowed GW’s release schedule down quite a bit. With that said, however, GW looks to still be sending products over to the US in anticipation for their full release.

RUMORS: New Lumineth Realm-Lords Release Spotted!

teclis high elves age of signmar rumors Lumineth Realm-lords



port scry realm-lordsAfter seeing three back-to-back online previews on the Lumineth Realm-Lords, GW is still getting ready for their full release. While it doesn’t look like any new models have hit the port, we’ve got 64 cartons of Warscroll Cards for the Lumineth Realm-Lords. And also a shipment labeled “dice” that hit the same day.

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 box 3Chances are that these two imports will be assembled with the plastic kits on-site at GW’s US warehouse to make the new Lumineth Army Box that was previewed.  That will contain a Battletome, Warscroll Cards, Dice, a 3″ measuring stick, tokens, and a handful of models.

60220201007_BoKWarscrollCards01It is also worth noting that the Warscroll Cards previewed for the box look like a different size and have a different backing from the usual AoS Warscroll cards.  We also haven’t seen an import shipment specifically labeled Realm Lords battletome either, but we have seen several large imports of books with no item description recently…

That being said, there is a chance GW may emulate the Sisters of Battle 40k release with a starter army box first then a follow-up months later with the full release lineup!

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With more faction supplies hitting the ports, do you think we’ll be seeing the Realm-Lords hit the shelves as soon as the crisis becomes under control, or will this be a staggered release?

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