New Artifacts Coming For Age of Sigmar 2.0

By Wesley Floyd | May 30th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Age of Sigmar 2.0 is bringing tons of artifacts to the table to represent the realms where they come from and give new effects to the game.

Warhammer Community let us in on some of the artifacts we’ll be seeing.

New Artifacts you say?

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When you’re writing your army list, you have the option to pick a Realm for your army to be from. Perhaps your Freeguild hail from Hammerhal Aqsha, in Aqshy, or perhaps your Slaves to Darkness raid the distant outskirts of Ghur. As well as providing you with loads of opportunities for roleplaying (not to mention painting and converting), you’ll be able to replace one of your normal Artefact picks with a special artefact from your chosen realm.

That’s not all! There will be seven Realms with 6 magical weapons and 6 trinkets, armor, or other equipment to choose from! That’s roughly 80 different options to take for your army.

Revealed Artifacts

Aos Brooch

AoS is coming with command points to spend and ways to get them back! Plus it goes off on a 5+.

Aos Beastcallers bones

Beastcaller’s bones is a pretty hardcore disable if you position your model right.

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  • Wraithbow gives a free mortal wound. Could be more, but with rolling 6 dice, you’re bound to usually get 1 or 2.
  • Rockjaws is a more solid approach to mortal wounds than the Wraithbow but you lose the range that the bow gives.
  • The Sunderblade is High Risk/High reward. it’s a bit of a combination of the two artifacts above as you can roll for everything around your model and its D3 mortal wounds each time you hit!

Missed all the talk about what the factions are getting in the new edition? We’ve got it here for you.

GW Reveals New Seraphon Rules For AoS 2.0

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It’s the Seraphon turn for some love, as GW revealed new rules teasers today for how they will fight and cast spells in Age of Sigmar 2.0




GW Teases Rules For Kharadons & Purple Sun!

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AoS 2.0 Rules Teasers: Skaven, Flesh-Eater Courts & Shooting

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Warhammer Community has given us a plate-full of information this holiday with teasers for Skaven, Flesh-Eater Courts, and new shooting rules. Now can get a better idea of how AoS 2.0 will pan out.

Age of Sigmar: New Sylvaneth Rules Preview

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Sylvaneth are up in Age of Sigmar’s 2.0 rules previews. Let’s take a look at what these spirits of the forest will get in the new edition.

Blades of Khorne & Command Points in AoS 2.0

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Blades of Khorne will be getting another reboot in the coming Age of Sigmar 2.0 so get those axes and skull-collecting bags ready.

Age of Sigmar Updates Magic Casting & Unbinding

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Age of Sigmar 2.0 is on the way and it looks like Magic will get a tweak! Come see the updated casting and unbinding phase of the game that may just be for the better.

Free Summoning & New Nagash Rules for AoS

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Legions of Nagash are getting some love, and it looks like summoning overall may be free in Age of Sigmar now.

New AoS Changes for Khaine, Tzeentch & More

morathi daughters of khaine

More changes are here for Age of Sigmar, as the spotlight is on the Daughters of Khaine, Disciples of Tzeentch and how to protect your characters in the new edition.

Fyreslayers Faction Focus: Age of Sigmar 2.0

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Prepare to see half-naked redheads running through your ranks with big axes and even bigger beards.

GW Teases New Slaves to Darkness, & Ironjawz Rules

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GW teased a ton of new Age of Sigmar 2.0 rules for both the Slaves to Darkness and Ironjaws factions. Don’t miss these updates.

What do you think about the previews? Which artifact will you be picking first? What other artifacts could there be out there?

Let us know over in the comments on our Facebook Hobby Group.

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More on the latest of Warhammer AoS 2.0