2019’s Wave of New Primaris Space Marines Are Here!

primaris book cover hor marine

From flyers to bikes, we had all heard the rumors of new Primaris Space Marines. Well it looks like some of those rumors are coming true now in 2019!

Games Workshop has been pushing the Primaris train right along as we head into 2019 with new models previewed at the Las Vegas Open. We feel like we haven’t seen it all just yet though.

Before we break down the new models, refresh yourself on some rumors spotted earlier from Warhammer Community:

New Primaris Units in Space Marine 2.0 Codex

REMEMBER: This recaps is still just rumors so take everything with a grain of salt.

Primaris Grav Captain

Going by the rumors and wishlisting, Primaris may be getting:

  • Primaris Vehicle with heavy-hitting turret-mounted options
  • Some kind of small flyer
  • A Primaris medium transport (something along the line of a rhino).
  • Faster one-man vehicles (Maybe something like Bikes or Land Speeders).
  • Primaris Melee assault squads with Terminator-equivalent wargear.

We had also reported that there may be a new Primaris box set on the way with some new models inside for 40k.

Going by the rumor:

Now that we know about the Shadowspear box set, these rumors are starting to ring true, so does that mean the above bullet points will also be true? Only time and a keen eye may tell…

This isn’t the first time, however, we’ve heard about some Primaris Rumors for Vigilus though:


Previously according to an anonymous source

Heard, that Vigilus’ call for aid will be answered by…
A brand new chapter of the Ultima founding i.e. a NAMED Primaris chapter  
with special characters, unique strategems and warlord traits etc.

Not a huge model release apparently, beyond the new characters and a new  
repulsor variant, but who knows?

We’ve been saying for a while now that all Primaris need to send them over the “hump” into competitive play is a points reduction and speed.

As of right now, the only way to get your Primaris up the board is with a transport. We have the Repulsor but it just costs too much for what it does. If Primaris had different routes players could take in terms of mobility, then they would be a lot more potent.

rumor engine 9-4-18

Could this rumor engine from a while back be the tail end of the Primaris medium transport? It has the rounded hull/hovercraft-like design to be some kind of Light Primaris tank. Hopefully, this is either a Primaris Rhino equivalent or maybe a new kind of cheap assault tank. Both would be welcomed with open arms.

More Primaris Bits?

rumor engine 1-22-19

The first thing we noticed on this one is that it definitely looks Imperial possibly Primaris in design. But that doesn’t mean that it still belongs to the Imperium…On another note, it looks like this may be a screen on some kind of table or maybe even a satellite dish scanning for enemies.rumor engine 1-8-2019

Breaking down this rumor engine bit, it looks like a flamer may be on the way. What makes us think it’s a flamer? Well, the massive heat shield and flame-holder at the end of the bit are a few good places to start. But who does this belong to exactly? We think it’s the Imperium, specifically Primaris.

The plating and grip on the model look to clean to be something like an Ork weapon. Plus, it’s absolutely nothing like the Eldar/Tyranids.

Looking at the rest of the vehicle rumors, perhaps the medium transport, light vehicle with heavy turret options, and bike equivalent models will all be anti-grav hovering units.

primaris seth Units GW Should Make: Primaris Kill Squads

Primaris assault units with Terminator-style wargear is something we’ve somewhat covered already. Primaris are SEVERELY lacking in the melee department as of right now. It would be nice to see some kind of fast Shocktroop with something more than power fists.

Wahammer Community also recently previewed a mysterious bit and it’s looking like the backside of a Space Marine suit. While we haven’t seen all the views of the new models in Shadowspear, it is possible that these bits may be spotted very shortly either in the box set or perhaps in an accompanying wave of miniatures.

GW Rumor Engine: More New Space Marines? RUMORS: Named Primaris Space Marines On Way

What does it look like to you? We can’t get away from the thought of a new Space Marine backpack.

primaris backpack

Notice the lines at the top of the bit? They match up with the grooves on the Primaris backpacks. But what are all the fancy dials and gauges for?

Primaris Apothecary

We’ve already seen Primaris Captains, Apothecaries, and Librarians come out…What’s missing? Could this be a Primaris Tech Marine? Would that explain the fancy gauges?

New Primaris Units Spotted in Shadowspear

Shadowspear Preview Art

Before we jump into the Primaris models spotted at the 2019 LVO where Shadowspear was first previewed, take a look at the art. There’s a new Reaver/Librarian looking unit and some kind of new helmet/backpack on a Primaris Marine in the very bottom.

The character on the bottom is definitely cosmetically different which makes us believe he’s another new unit coming to the Primaris force. We just haven’t seen his actual model yet. Nonetheless, he looks almost like a radio operator/recon unit that was said to be a variant of the Reiver marine.

Moving right along into what was spotted, this new Psyker is actually called a Vanguard Librarian. 

vanguard librarian

These Librarians focus on a certain “lore” of psychic spells. They specialize in concealing their allies letting them get into a better fighting position before revealing themselves deep within enemy territory. If you look closely, he’s got the same exact armor a Reaver wears. He’s just got a cloak draping over everything…You know, because it’s more wizardlike.

Next in line, we have Primaris Eliminators.

primaris eliminators

Eliminators are dead-eye snipers. From concealed positions, these expert marksmen target and take out key enemy leaders, utilising a range of exotic and deadly ammunition tailored to their target.

Primaris look to finally be getting their own version of Sniper Scouts. If you’ve got a keen eye, you can see that these guys are also wearing some Reaver armor. Space Marines have Sniper Scouts, but Primaris are getting Eliminators. You would automatically think these guys are going to be a lot harder to kill seeing that they’re Primaris wearing power armor and covered in camo-cloaks. If they’re anything like their Scout counterparts, they should be T4 with a 2+ save in cover and two wounds per model! The only downside is that it looks like only three come in a squad.

More Primaris Inside Shadowspear?

chaos venom crawler

You might be thinking that none of the previewed models had anything to do with the rumors from above. However, there’s still hope. Shadowspear is a Starter Box Set similar to Dark Imperium. these boxes are designed to get players started off with a new faction and have similar unit-types across the board. We saw the Daemon Engine Venomcrawler get previewed in the box while the Primaris have no vehicle in sight.

Space Marine Repulsor

Current Primaris Repulsor

That leaves the door wide open for a Primaris vehicle (like one from the rumors) to come inside the box that we just haven’t seen yet. Remember, Chaos got a total of four new models previewed from Shadowspear while the Primaris only had two. (three if you count the random Primaris helmet variant spotted in the art).

What are your thoughts on the Chaos and Primaris support? What other models do you think are lying in wait inside Shadowspear? Will one of the Primaris rumors be confirmed? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.