Chaos For Days: New Daemon Rules for 8th Revealed

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First it was the Traitor Marines, now it is time for the big 8th Edition reveal for the fan favorite Chaos Daemons. Let’s see what is in store for them!

Found on Imgur, the 30+ images of the rules for Chaos Daemons gives what we need to start planning out our army lists and what strategies to use.

Chaos Demon Abilities

Here we have the abilities and disciplines. Of course they are bound by keywords so no mixing. Nurgle daemons will be extra hard to kill with the “Disgustingly Resilient” ability that allows them to not lose a wound if they roll a 5+. Slaanesh daemons get to always fight first in the Fight Phase with “Quicksilver Swiftness”.


Magnus the Red is here and boasts 18 wounds and some pretty good abilities and buffs. “Death to the False Emperor” allows him to make an extra attack with the same weapon if the first attack hits on a 6+. The caveat is that the target must be designated with the “Imperium” keyword. He also will suffer characteristic changes based on the amount of damage taken. At the 1-4 wounds remaining stage, he will have a movement of 12″, Armor 5, and 0 for Psychic Phase Bonus.

FateweaverOf course, what Tzeentch Army would not have Kairos Fateweaver, a.k.a Big Bird, part of their lists? 16 wounds, “Fly”, extra command point with a D3 roll, and allows units within 6″ to make a morale test using his Leadership instead of their own. he does suffer from characteristic changes as well. In the 1-4 wound range, he will have movement of 6″, Armor of 1, and o Psychic Phase Bonus.

Chaos Demon Point List

And here is the point value list to aid you in your Chaos Army building and get you ready for release!

This was a huge rules leak for Chaos Daemons fans out there, we’re finally getting to see more than what Games Workshop wants us to see. You can find the rest of the rules that were leaked over on Imgur.

Also, you can check out the rules article for everything on the Chaos Space Marines.

What do you think about the new Chaos Daemon Rules? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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