Scabeiathrax, Lord of the Blighted – Nurgle’s Army of One

By Gothmog | December 4th, 2015 | Categories: Army of One, Chaos Space Marines, Nurgle

Nurgle walpaper

Sometimes, you just have to get Fancy AND Gross! No better way to do that with Nurgle models from Forge World!

Allow me to present a commissioned Scabeiathrax (the Forge World Great Unclean One) I did for a friend sometime back. The customer wanted to do the base once he had decided how to do it for his entire Daemon Army.





What is really unique about this is I actually used a bunch of Walmart brand paints. I didn’t have the paints I needed to do the skin, so the guy lent me his. Sage green mixed with a dark brown of some sort got the look I was going for, with a develan mud wash and a straight up sage green/sage green skull white blend for highlighting (drybrushing).

The Decaying areas where done by putting the same colour as the flesh tone in, then brown ink, then asurmen blue wash around the edge and golden/sunburst yellow drybrushing.

All in all he was fun to do and actually took maybe about 2-3 hours to do. Large models I guess are just very forgiving that way.

Note, the very bright spot on his nose isn’t actually there. That is just something weird in the photo. Sorry.

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