Rare Citadel Miniatures Spotted On eBay For $7,000

hor of space marine and chaos

Got $7,000 to spend this holiday? Santa has brought a collection of rare Citadel miniatures to eBay that may never be seen together again! 

Currently found on eBay, a seller robertv7462 has put together a collection of limited edition Citadel miniatures that has taken 15 years to complete. This is the rarest collection of Limited Edition Citadel 1-25 miniatures, several unnumbered miniatures, and all later limited editions that are still in their original blisters.

Rare minis 1You may be wondering what this gem of a collection is worth, as this collection’s starting bid of $6, 800. From the looks of things there are already a few watching this auction, which will end on December 27th.

Now before you balk at the price, one of these miniatures, Le-07: wizard with a machine gun , recently sold for $1,100 by itself.

As for the collection itself, it contains 33 miniatures that are still contained in their original blisters. Some of you veteran hobbyists just might remember Santa Claws, Champion of Slaanesh, Mcdeath’s Crazed Caledonian Commandos, and several others.

rogue traders imperial space marines

History wise this was the big promotion for Games Workshop mail order in 1985-86 that saw the rise in popularity of the Sci-Fi side of things for them, especially the  Le-02: space marine miniature. This in turn led to the full blown line of Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader as hybrid RPG tabletop game just a short time later.

The full listing is below with several photos from Stuff of Legend’s amazing retro archive

This is a one of a kind, rarest complete collection of Citadel LE1-25, plus some of the Unnumbered and all later limited edition that are all still in there original blisters. There are a total of 33 blisters in this collection. These models are over 25 years old, and this collection took over 15 years to complete in finding. Due to their age not all blisters are in perfect condition. 100% will never see this on ebay ever again. If any concerns please get in contact with me and I can send more pictures. Free shipping to US only

  • #1.     Le-01: space orc/wrong number/    
  • #2.    Le-02: space marine                                          
  • #3.    Le-03: gumshoes                                             
  • #4.    Le-04: the black dwarf

Black Dwarf

  • #5.    Le-05: halfling gladiators                             
  • #6.    Le-06: space santa      
  • #7.    Le-07: wizard with a machine gun              
  • #8.    Le-08: mcdeath’s crazed caledonian commandos   

Space Skeleton

  • #9.    Le-09: space skeleton                                              
  • #10.  Le-10: power armored marine                                  
  • #11.  Le-11: giant orc chieftain & bodyguard

Space Santa

  • #12.  Le-12: thrudd with axe                         
  • #13.  Le-13: inconvenienced dwarf               
  • #14.  Le-14: tinman and oxy o’cetylene                          
  • #15.  Le-15: chaos amazonette and warlock                     
  • #16.  Le-16: sanaty claws                                                  
  • #17.  Le-17: chaos lavatory                                              
  • #18.  Le-18: bloodbowl players                                  
  • #19.  Le-19: thrudd & female admirer

Bloodbowl Players

  • #20.  Le-20: complete adventurer     
  • #21.  Le-21: the up the wall crew                       
  • #22.  Le-22: orc bazooka crew                             
  • #23.  Le-23: chainsaw wizard                                           
  • #24.  Le-24: sleazy rider                                                 
  • #25.  Le-25: dwarf with inferiority complex                    
  • #26.  Le-101: chaos ranegade marine                         
  • #27.  Le-102: traitor legionnaire

Sleazy Rider

  • #28.  Le-103: champion of slaanesh            
  • #29.  Le-104: thrudd                                                        
  • #30.  Le-unnumbered: motley maniac                              
  • #31.  Le-unnumbered: chaos santa                                   
  • #32.  Le-unnumbered: santa dwarf                                    
  • #33.  Le-unnumbered: christmas marine

The auction for these miniatures is still up and will end on December 27th. For those brave enough to venture into a bidding war that starts at $6,800 as of right now, you can find the auction here,

The rest of us will reminisce about the good old days of Citadel miniatures and check in occasionally to see how high the bids reach.