AMG Announces GenCon Events & World Qualifiers

Star-Wars-Legion-shadow-collective-starter-setAMG has announced all their GenCon events as well as the world open qualifiers for their Star Wars games and Marvel Crisis Protocol!

AMG has put out many new models and rules this year, so we are excited to see how the big events go down in terms of meta. Plus, there are a lot of world qualifiers, so there are plenty of chances for you to play in the world’s event this year.

GenCon will have all three of the Star Wars games (Legion, Armada, and X-Wing) and MCP, so you can play no matter what game you may collect However, we expect the tickets to go very fast, so if you see anything you want to play, don’t wait around too long! You can get your tickets for all the events here at this link.

AMG Announces GenCon Events

MalekithLet’s check out the list of events going down at GenCon:

Click any of the links above to grab your tickets! However, as we said, at the time of writing this they are still available, but we’re not sure for how long. Now, let’s check out the rest of the qualifiers.

World Qualifiers


Considering these are all different events, be sure to choose the one that is closest to you! Again, at the time of writing this, they still have tickets.

Plus don’t forget there will be events happening at Adepticon 2023 as well!

Are you excited about Atomic Mass Games tournaments? Will you be going to any of the events?

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