AMG Drops The New Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook!

Star-Wars-Legion-Logo-rew-rulesThey have previewed changes for a while now, but AMG has dropped the new Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook for free!

We were a little nervous that AMG would go the other route and actually charge for the reworked rules, so it’s nice just to see the download for free! There are a decent number of changes; however, nothing is in red for changes, so we’ll cover some of the changes here, but be sure to read through the whole thing to get all the new Star Wars Legion rule changes.

If you want to read all the rules they already previewed, you can check those out here.

AMG Drops New Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook & Rules Changes

Star Wars Legion Core Rulebook

The book seems to be better laid out than before, which is nice. However, sometimes, there seems to be something without context, and then they come back to it a few pages later. Still, we do think it has a better layout overall. Here are some key things changing:

  • Better layout
  • Keywords are broken up into sections
  • Cover has changed a little
  • Ewoks are mercenaries 
  • Clamber is gone
  • Panic and suppression have a ton of changes
  • Covert ops took a big hit
  • Passing rules are added in 
  • Line of Sight has been updated (to really make more sense)
  • Tons of points have been updated (in a different document, which you can download here)
  • 3D printed minis statement

We’ll take a closer look at some of the changes below, but, real quickly, they did make an official statement on using AMG minis as part of the Galactic Conquest Event Rules.

You can play with kitbashed models as long as most of the bits are from AMG. 3D printed models will not be allowed at AMG-sponsored tournaments.

Tokens can be outsourced; just be sure to check with your TO. However, that being said, at most smaller tournaments, we hope the TOs won’t really care about 3D-printed minis and parts.   This seems to be something to consider if you’re going to a tournament.

You can download the rulebook here, but we’ll take a closer look at some of the changes below.

New Suppression & Panic Rules Announced for Star Wars: Legion

walker Star Wars Legion

This comes from the December 14th Transmission.

suppression rules

While working on the Core Rulebook and other future developments for Star Wars: Legion, we realized that the suppression and panic mechanics were not delivering the desired impact on the game, especially when it came to objective play and Legion’s scenario scoring conditions. In too many situations, the player’s only option for denying or securing victory points was to outright eliminate the entire enemy unit, because suppression and panic did not affect the unit’s ability to score. Additionally, the intended functionality of panic was at odds with the written rule’s language, leading to ambiguity and problematic interactions.

It’s always cool to get a few more mechanics to stop people from scoring because just having to eliminate the whole unit is quite annoying sometimes.

So, it should be an interesting change.

suppression rules 2

Panic has now been reworked to increase its importance in scenario play and give players additional options for counterplay beyond simply trying to eliminate all miniatures in a unit. When a unit panics it no longer flees from the battlefield. This removes a large amount of ambiguity and deeper rules issues with regards to precisely how players resolve a panicking units’ movement. Now, when a unit panics, it simply cannot perform actions or free actions. Additionally, a panicking unit drops any objective tokens they may be carrying. Then, at the end of their activation, they remove a number of suppression tokens equal to their courage value. Most importantly for many scenarios, units that are panicked cannot be used to satisfy the victory conditions on objective cards. So that lone remaining trooper that’s dug in behind heavy cover with a pile of dodge tokens can now be eliminated from the scenario by the proper application of suppression and panic.

Passing Rules for Star Wars: Legion

This announcement comes from the latest AMG Transmission.

Star Wars Legion Passing Rules

Throughout the entirety of Legion’s history, armies with fewer activations have struggled against armies with a much higher number of activations. Lower activation armies were forced to either stay in place or engage a much more numerous foe that could “bide its time” by continuously activating “filler” units. We wanted to find a way to even the playing field between armies with a large difference in activations and give lower-activation armies a bit of a boost. Not only would this allow for greater player creativity and agency when it comes to building their armies, it also allows the Factions in Legion to better lean into some of the elements that make them unique, thus opening up even more interesting diversity on the tabletop.

Our solution is perhaps the biggest change of all in the Core Rulebook, and it was a key focus of a huge amount of our playtesting and development work over the last year: a new Pass mechanic has been added to the game. During the Activation Phase, a player may choose to Pass and skip their turn once per round if their opponent has more remaining orders.

Star Wars: Legion Line of Sight Rules

This comes from the latest transmission from Atomic Mass Games. Let’s get into the changes!

Let’s start with the Line of Sight rules, then jump into the new rulebook. since this is their announcement, we’ll let them tell you more about it:

Star Wars Legion Line of Sight Rules

The first of these updated/codifications we are going to cover today is Line of Sight (LOS) and silhouettes. Line of Sight (LOS) and silhouettes have been revisited and clarified to be the same between the tournament and core rules. Previously, LOS was drawn from the head of a miniature or a specific point on a vehicle, and players had to determine if miniatures had 50% of their silhouette obscured. Emplacement Troopers and Creature Troopers also had silhouettes based on the size of the miniature instead of using a standard silhouette.

Star Wars Legion Line of Sight Rules 2

We wished to clarify this and make it easier for players to determine what their miniatures can and cannot see. There are now two standard silhouettes for all trooper miniatures- miniatures in units with small bases all use the same silhouette, and miniatures in units with notched bases all use the same silhouette.

Download All the New Rules Here!

Do you like the changes to the Star Wars Legion Core Rulebook so far? 

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