New Horus Heresy Imperial Fists Rules & Rumors Revealed

imperial fists rules horus heresyNew rules for the Imperial Fists legion in Horus Heresy are here, but we’ve also seen a ton of rumors for what may be on the way as well- here is the latest!

With the release of the starter and new edition imminent, it’s time for GW to start revealing rules. This time around, they are focusing on the Imperial Fists, but we’ve also seen some Horus Heresy playtest rumors for them.

So while they might change a little, the playtest versions have been pretty accurate so far.

Warhammer Community showed off some new legion-specific rules; let’s check them out!

New Horus Heresy Imperial Fists Rules & Rumors Revealed

Imperial Fists rules

Like all of the Adeptus Astartes, the VII Legion have a lust for battle. No one ever won a war by waiting for the enemy to get bored – The Best Defence is a furious offence, something the Imperial Fists know well.

This is a pretty sweet reaction, you just want to make sure they just move somewhat close. Getting off a free charge is pretty awesome, especially because it’s in your opponent’s turn!

Imperial Fists rules 2

This outburst of fury isn’t out of character – these very serious chaps still employ Discipline and Resolve on the battlefield, forming deadly defensive formations to spit out an obscene volume of fire.

Getting +1 to hit all the time on your bolt weapons is obviously super strong. Especially because it’s also on all your reactions.

Imperial Fists rules 3

Appropriately then, the Templar Assault Rite of War lets you field your premier knights as Troops choices – with a few other neat benefits to help them hold the fort (and Objectives). These guys must hate being cooped up in Transports because when they do get out, boy, do they get mad at whatever unlucky enemy happens to be nearby. 

Taking the Templar Brethren as troops is cool, but them all getting Rage (2) when disembarking might be even better!

Rogal Dorn Rules

Rogal Dorn

They didn’t show off rules, but we’ve seen playtest rules, so take them with a grain of salt as they could change but look pretty good.

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Primarchs Horus Heresy 7


Primarchs Horus Heresy 8Everyone’s favorite defender will get some good rules and plenty of ways not to get killed! Plus, he’ll be tipping plenty of combats into your favor.

Legion Specific Imperial Fists Horus Heresy Rules Rumors

Imperial Fists rulesStarting with Solar Marshal it lets the warlord and any unit they join gain +1 WS when locked in combat with any Traitor allegiance unit (which they should be fighting a lot). It also lets you make an additional reaction in any of their opponent’s phases. Then, you can automatically pass your checks, which makes sense for the defenders! Lastly, this trait lets the warlord and any unit they join may re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 while they are within an area of terrain which is conferring them a cover save or embarked within a Fortification, so they are really leaning into the defenders’ plot point!

Imperial Fists rules 2The rites of war are also focused on how they are allowed to take different units for troops, gain shrouded, and much more!

Imperial Fists rules 3


Imperial Fists rules 4The Warder Squad are combat monsters with all of them having power axes and boarding shields, and plenty of other wargear options. The shields also give them way better invulnerable saves, and lock-step will make them even better in combat.

Here are some other rules previewed for the Fists:

    • New Legion Trait: all Legiones Astartes: Imperial Fists models gain +1 to hit with all Auto or Bolt weapons when conducting a shooting attack (including during reactions)
    • Unique Reaction: when an enemy unit moves within 10” or (and?) within line of sight of an Imperial Fists unit, it may immediately declare a Charge with the said unit as if it was the owning player’s assault phase – charge distance is d6 + unit’s lowest unmodified Initiative value in inches (rules like Hammer of Wrath & charge bonuses do apply) if successful the ongoing combat is resolved as normal during the assault phase if failed no surge move is made.
    •  Phalanx Warders gain the Line and Heart of the Legion special rules, models with Boarding Shields in unit coherency with at least 2 other models also equipped with Boarding Shields may re-roll all failed Invulnerable saves against shooting attacks/ attacks made during the Fight Sub-Phase (re-rolls cannot be made if the unit has made a Run/ Charge/ Sweeping Advance move)
    • Illiastus Pattern Assault Cannon Alterations: now Assault 4 rather than Heavy, Malfunction now confers the Gets Hot! rule to any shooting attacks made with the weapon as part of a Reaction
    • Castellan Consul (+20 points): model gains the Fire Support special rule & the Heavy unit sub-type, can take either a master-crafted heavy bolter or autocannon – can increase the number of attack rolls made by a heavy weapon by 1 (that they’re equipped with? by a unit they’ve joined?) when making a shooting attack – any Legion Heavy Support squad they join gains the Line sub-type

    Considering two of the rules they showed off are correct in the rumors, we’d say the rest are pretty solid!

    Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

    All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

    What do you think about the new rules and rumors for Horus Heresy Imperial Fists so far?