New Immortal Hulk Miniature Smashes Into Marvel Crisis Protocol!

Immortal Hulk featureAn awesome new mini is here for Marvel Crisis Protocol, as AMG has just revealed the Immortal Hulk character pack!

Atomic Mass Games (AMG) has been doing a great job of keeping things interesting as of late. So far, we like the updates and new releases for Marvel Crisis Protocol. Plus, all the new minis have looked awesome!

If you read this after April 14th, 2023, this expansion set should be fully released and available from your favorite store!  To order one for yourself, you can click here or click the header below. 

Immortal Hulk Marvel Crisis Protocol Character Pack: $39.99

Click here to order yours: | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

Immortal HulkIt’s always fun to get new Hulk minis, as he is just so cool! Especially a model based on such staple character from the comic books and movies.

Immortal Hulk 2Here’s what they have to say about the model:

Players take destruction to the next level with the Immortal Hulk Character Pack. This alternate version of a fan-favorite character harkens to his incarnation in the smash-hit Immortal Hulk comic book run.

Immortal Hulk 3

With an all-new miniature, new team tactic cards, and new Stat Card abilities, the Immortal Hulk has eternal staying power on the tabletop.

This is an amazing mini, and we expect to see rules long before the model gets released! 

Click Here to Get Your New MCP Models!

Will you be picking this Immortal Hulk MCP expansion pack up? Do you like alternate models like this?

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