New Star Wars X-Wing & Armada Previews From AdeptiCon 2023

x-wing wal hor 20Here are all the new Star Wars X-Wing and Armada previews from AdeptiCon 2023 showed off a ton of redesigns, prizes, and much more!

While we haven’t seen a crazy amount of models for the game, it’s nice to see AMG revamping both games and adding some amazing prize pools for players! The schedule of upcoming releases is pretty wild and even goes back to some classics as well.

While they go over a ton of stuff, they said this is just the start for every game system, so expect plenty more soon!

You can check out our coverage of all the new releases on the way from the AMG preview by clicking on any of the links below:

New Star Wars X-Wing & Armada Previews From AdeptiCon 2023

The previews were streamed here on the Professionalcasualnetwork, and they posted it to their YouTube, so we put that at the bottom of this post as well.

Let’s start with all the X-Wing stuff.

Star wars x-wing previewWell, the first thing they are doing is reinventing the starter packs for both Rebel and Galactic. They said you can build these load-outs with your existing cards; this is more of a way to get new players into the game.

Each one will have fully built lists and the ships are pre-equipped from the box, meaning people can buy one or the other and start playing. They also mention in the stream they really want to give new players an easier way to get into the game.

It also looks like they are already on pre-order, which you can score here!

Star wars x-wing preview 2Next up, they are reworking the YT-2400 to make it fit better into the game and give more usefulness to players.

Star wars x-wing preview 3The same is happening with the TIE meaning they are really looking into the rules and how everything plays. So we expect to see more reworks soon, and hopefully some new ships as well.

Star wars x-wing preview 4Now onto the totally new stuff! First, the Store Championship kits for 2023 are loaded with fantastic prizes and all kinds of stuff! So, if you plan on playing some tournaments this year, the prize pool looks great.

Star wars x-wing preview 5The Organized Play Kit is going to take place in a familiar world, where you are either trying to blow up escape pods or helping everyone get away. Looks like it should be fun.

Star wars x-wing preview 6The next scenario pack is going to be fighting over Endor and trying to destroy (or protect) the Empire’s ships! They also mentioned this would bring back some pilots not seen since 1.0.

Now onto the Armada stuff.

Star Wars Armada Previews at AdeptiCon

Star wars x-wing preview 7While the game isn’t getting quite the same amount of stuff, getting a Store Championship kit is awesome!

Star wars x-wing preview 8These are the more top-tier prizes with a card for every faction.

Star wars x-wing preview 9Last but not least, there will be a new Rapid Reinforcements box this summer! They only showed off Pryce, but there should be plenty of cards.

This is just one of many reveals from AMG, so be sure to check out all of their new release previews on Twitch or YouTube below.

Click Here to Get Your Starter Sets!

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