RUMORS: New Chaos Mutant Cultist Hidden In Plain Sight

With the announcement of Warhammer Fest 2022 Online, we also got a model teaser- is this a Chaos Mutant Cultist hidden in plain sight?

While we noticed a few rumor engines inside of the teaser, some sleuths on the B&C have taken it a step further! Not to mention we also have some rumors that it might slot right into…

Let’s check out the teaser image and then the matching rumor engines first!

New Chaos Cultist Hidden In Plain Sight

warhammer fest teaser breakdown

As they expertly carved out in MS paint, you can see what looks to be a clear humanoid structure inside that swirling mass of chaos.

On top of this, there are also two very clear Rumor Engines inside this upcoming model.

February 15th, 2022

Chaos Hydra Head: GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 02-15-22

This engine is super unique and of course, looks a little chaos-y, but it’s almost definitely a new model or re-design. The most likely candidates for a redesign are probably a Hellbrute or Defiler with the metal lashes changed to these daemonic chaos-looking hydra-head from this rumor engine.

Of course, it could be something else or even a brand new model altogether!

Due to the nature of this bit and the silhouette in the teaser, this is nearly a guarantee, which is great because it means we won’t have to wait long to see what this unique bit will look like on its full model!

February 22nd, 2022

New Chaos  or Tyranids Wings: GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 02-22-2022

looking at these new wings there are quite a few possibilities, like bloodthirsters, maybe even a new Daemon Primarch like the long-rumored Angron, or some for another faction like Tyranids in the form of a new flying tyrant.

The second Engine that looks to be inside the teaser is the wings, which at least help cut down on our previous guesses. That being said, this does look like another near guarantee.

There may be other engines in the teaser too, but these two stuck out as the most likely to us! If you want to check for yourself you can here.

Now let’s check out the matching rumors from a while back…

RUMORED New Codex Chaos Space Marines Models

Let’s check start with the Overall Chaos Space Marines and Legion rules Codex rumors we have already seen, and check out the rest of the rumors en masse:

First off it’s worth noting these rumors are fairly old (August 2021), but even still, since then some of these have come true like the Warpsmith and Chosen!

The two standouts for this teaser are the New Cultist unit HQ, New Mutants, and Possessed Humans. All three are potentially the teaser, but we are leaning slightly towards an HQ just because there’s so much going on in the silhouette.

Sepulchre of Heroes mutant chaos cultist meme

Meme courtesy of Evan Valdyke and Sepulchre of Heroes

Many of the commenters on the B&C agree with the chance of it being a new Chaos mutant cultist model or HQ. Some even suggest it for 40k/AoS crossplay like the Daemon lineup!

Vague enough to be used for daemons, AoS, and 40k heretics, which is a pretty great idea if it’s true!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you want to see in an update? Do you think this teaser will match up to the new Chaos Mutant Cultist predictions?

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