35 New Games Workshop Models Left To Be Released In 2022

rumor engine primaris wal hor pdf download warhammer community35 new Games Workshop model releases are still out there to be revealed from all the latest GW Rumor Engines teasers in 2022! 

Since we’re about to hit summertime soon, let’s take a look back through the list of un-solved rumor engines to see which may get revealed next in 2022. New Games Workshop Models are something we love to speculate on and thanks to these Rumor Engine previews there is never a shortage!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

35 Games Workshop Rumor Engines Left To Be Revealed

Table of Contents & Article Summary

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. You can check out the last batch of solved engine teasers in a separate post right here.

March 17th, 2020

Chaos Bonereapers? GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 03-17-2020Could we be looking at some Chaos Ossiarch Bonereapers? Check out this new bit that might be on the way for Age of Sigmar next.

April 7th, 2020

Looks ‘Shopped: GW Rumor Engine Emerges

rumor engine 4-7-2020Another rumor engine is here and this time, it looks like some obvious editing has been done. Check out what could be missing from this teased bit.

May 5th, 2020

Mmm … Brains! Flesh Eater Courts GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 5-5-2020Another rumor engine is here and it might be some delicious Flesh Eater Courts as the new Games Workshop models previews circles back to an Age of Sigmar faction again. 

May 12th, 2020

Wow, GW Made a Bone Flute: New Rumor Engine

rumor engine 5-12-2020Write this date down, because it looks like GW revealed a bone flute in this rumor engine pic! Is this more proof of new Death models?

February 23rd, 2021

Hooves of Darkness: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor EngineWell, this one doesn’t have quite as much mystery as some of the other rumor engines we’ve seen lately, but it does raise a few questions. Who will it be for and could it be part of a big release? Well, first we think it’s for the Slaves to Darkness Chaos Knights. Secondly, it looks like Be’lakor is coming soon so that only bodes well for the boys of Chaos in AoS to get a big release.

March 9th, 2021

Pincers At The Ready: Tyranids GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 3-09-21

This Pincer tail instantly jumps out as a Tyranid bit candidate. Technically speaking it could be some other insectoid thing in say AoS or on a base or something. But our money is on our favorite word eating swarm getting some love.So far each codex update for 9th edition 40k has gotten some model support alongside it, so hopefully, whenever it’s the ‘Nids turn, they won’t be different.

March 30th, 2021

Net Neutrality: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 3-30-21This net is an interesting bit, and nets are a little rare in Warhammer, however, they do exist. Looking at this, we might immediately think AoS, who would be crazy enough to try to catch a chainsword wielding Space Marine, or even a futuristic Tau Mech?

In AoS this could be a lot of factions, Empire trappers, Chaos Torturers, Tribal Orrruks, and the list goes on. There is also a single 40k example that came to mind…

April 27th, 2021

Malovence Rising New Chaos GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 04-27-21Right out of the gates, this is screaming Chaos bit. It has the eye in the center and even resembles the eightfold path. This is undoubtedly Chaos iconography. Whether or not it’s for AoS or 40k, is a completely different question, and honestly, it could be either. However, with Be’lakor still needing a home for his new rules to release, we are betting on this being part of a 40k release!

May 11th, 2021

The Huntsmans Trophy: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 05-11-21The rumor engine this week seems to be a newly acquired trophy resembling a lion’s head. This could be a White lion or perhaps even a young Manticore. Either way, it could be 40k or AoS, with only a slight edge to AoS thanks to the old White lion kits.

June 1st, 2021

There’s A Cog In My Boot: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 6-01-2021

The rumor engine this week seems to be a prosthetic leg for an unlucky fellow. Just by the nature of robotics and tech, it’s probably safe to assume this is for 40k, or even Necromunda. While there are some robots in AoS, it’s much less likely overall.

June 15th, 2021

Throne of Skulls: GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine (1)This one is honestly pretty vague because there are plenty of units holding human skulls in AoS. It must be a rough world out there, where the majority of your enemies just run around with your head after taking it off! Still, it looks to be a stone throne of some kind with a thin-ish hand. Meaning we can probably rule out some of the bigger factions. It has a very Flesh-eaters courts vibe though.

June 29th, 2021

Tools For Every Occasion: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 6-29-2021At first glance, this looks like a utility belt with some wiring and even what looks like a wrench on the left edge and perhaps another set of tools on the right. However the Steel beam on the bottom throws a small wrench in that plan, why is it there?

Perhaps they are on top of some sort of rubble or building. It could also be something else entirely, maybe even just some electrical wiring on top of a building and it isn’t actually a utility belt.

July 6th, 2021

Screaming Eagles: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 7-6-2021

At first glance, this looks a lot like an eagle or Gryphon head, which was used quite a bit in the empire of the old world and now in the Cities of Sigmar.

The big question comes down to could this be 40k and what would it even be used on? It seems much more likely to be AoS, but it technically could be 40k. If anything its probably either on the backpack of a space marine or perhaps on a chariot/staff in AoS

July 13th, 2021

Dressed For The Gods: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 7-13-2021While this is a little difficult to make out, it does have some Lizardmen/Seraphon vibes. Being either a headdress or even top of a throne/harness for riding an animal seems like they aren’t too far off of possibility. If that is true and just by looking at this, this does seem to pretty much be guaranteed for AoS at the very least.

However, we have all been surprised before and no rumor engine is a true freebie!

July 20th, 2021

New Vampire Hunter: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 7-20-21Looking at this bit, it might be safe to say it’s more likely in Age of Sigmar instead of Warhammer 40k. There just isn’t anything that screams sci-fi on it. The spare blade and hammer head suggest some sort of adventurer perhaps even a Vampire hunter (not that we know they are a thing), rather than a soldier. Maybe a character of some sort?

July 27th, 2021

A New Imperium Vehicle: GW Rumor Engine

Looking at this rumor engine, it looks pretty easy to place. Most likely this is an Imperium vehicle, perhaps even Astra Militarum. The piping and hatches strongly suggest 40k, however technically Kharadron Overlord could also have this bit as a part of one of their airships. A very sneaky Games Workshop preview for new models either way.


August 10th, 2021

Rocky Road: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine august 8 2021Looking at this rumor engine, it’s hard to say with any certainty what this is for or even perhaps what system it may release as a part of.

One thing is for sure though with no bands of energy around the stones, it looks to be of a non-mystic nature for sure.

August 17th, 2021

New Space Marine Scouts? New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 8-17-2021This engine really has two clear possibilities. First, it could be some melee weapon overhead, or second, it could be upsidedown and actually be a heavy weapon (like the pose below)!

Either of these could be for Aos or 40k, but that’s definitely a human hand.

August 24th, 2021

More New Orks On The Way? GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 8-24-2021Right out of the gate, this clearly looks like an Ork chest with some neck/chest tribal garb. There are plenty of Snakebite Orks that  Games Workshop could preview new models for that could still use an update. There are also potential Ork models in AoS that could use a refresh, such as the very outdated Savage Ork lineup.

August 31st, 2021

Burnin’ Rubber & Flingin’ Mud: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 08-31-21At first glance, this is clearly a tire and suspension. The next question becomes “What faction is this for?”, but some factions clearly are more likely than others. The easiest answer is Genestealer Cult, as they already have a lineup of off-roading vehicles like the unit of Jackals. However, this could also be some new Space Marine vehicle and off course even Astra Militarum…

September 7th, 2021

New Chaos Hammer Time: GW Rumor Engine

At first glance, this seems to resemble a Sigmar/Stormcast hammer. However, the comet doesn’t look quite right and there’s definitely some chaos trim in there… Maybe this is a form of mockery?

September 14th, 2021

A New Lion Sword For Order: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 9-14-2021Looking at the designs this is clearly an AoS bit heavily leaning towards either Stormcast or possibly even Lumineth Realm-Lords. The designs on the hilt and sheath and definitely Order based and that plume on the helmet is really only popular for two factions…

September 21st, 2021

Spooky Bits For a Spooky Season: GW Rumor Engine

This new rumor engine definitely looks like it’s for AoS with strong possibilities for Soulblight Gravelords, Kruleboyz, and/or possibly even any other death faction. There is also a lower chance it might even be for Stormcast or even just a terrain piece.

October 19th, 2021

New GW Rumor Engine: It’s 40k Chaos Finally

rumor engine 10-19-21This claw is actually super easy to predict. Unless GW is pulling a fast one, these clearly belong to a new 40k Chaos model. From that Iconic trim to fingers that look very similar to Venomcrawler legs,  with a Helbrute style armor plate, it doesn’t seem likely to be anything else but a new Chaos Space Marine model.

October 26th, 2021

New Imperial Big Guns Never Tire: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 10-26-21This new weapon packed with rockets is actually another easy-to-place engine. There’s only a small handful or likely factions… The first and most likely is Imperial Guard / GSC as we had been hearing rumors of a new Imperial Guard tank coming soon that was scaled in between a Leman Russ and a Baneblade.

These are both popular factions so getting new toys is pretty standard for them (even though it doesn’t seem like they do). Second, there are Space Marines, because if this is a vehicle it could just be wider imperium easy-peasy.

November 2nd, 2021

New Tyranids or Nurgle: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 11-2-21This new bit is clearly some Insectoid/Exoskeleton thing, but what faction does it match? There are only really two options, Maggotkin, because we know their update is coming and they do use a few flies and such. Second Tyranids, do need some model releases, whether that be updates or new ones and they have exoskeletons on pretty much all of their models.

November 16th, 2021

New Necrons Initializing: GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 11-16-21Thanks to the very unique cube effect, this bit is very easy to place. It is almost certainly a Necron bit, either for 40k or maybe Kill Team. There’s also a slight chance it could be some repurposed gear that an inquisition agent got a hold of, but that’s always the case with Xenos gear bits!

February 15th, 2022

Chaos Hydra Head: GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 02-15-22

This engine is super unique and of course, looks a little chaos-y, but it’s almost definitely a new model or re-design. The most likely candidates for a redesign are probably a Hellbrute or Defiler with the metal lashes changed to these daemonic chaos-looking hydra head from this rumor engine.

Of course, it could be something else or even a brand new model altogether!

February 22nd, 2022

New Chaos  or Tyranids Wings: GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 02-22-2022looking at these new wings there are quite a few possibilities, like bloodthirsters, maybe even a new Daemon Primarch like the long-rumored Angron, or some for another faction like Tyranids in the form of a new flying tyrant.

March 1st, 2022

New Plastic Kasrkin Guard: GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 03-01-22Looking at these gloves/gauntlets there are a few possibilities, but we can’t help but mention a striking resemblance… Yes, this could be any handful of more advanced-leaning races or even specialist games like Necromunda and/or Kill Team. Perhaps even another Imperial Guard release for Kill Team that is following in the footsteps of the DKoK!

But to us, it looks like a Kasrkin model may be on the horizon!

March 8th, 2022

Another New Baby Carrier Model: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 03-08-22This little guy is clearly wrapped up in something else’s hair, but what is it? Games Workshop called it a “blighter” in the engine post, but besides being informal British, it seems like their words rarely mean anything to help uncover what these images ever are.

It could be a new character model, perhaps with its own little science experiment. That’s the main possibility leading us to give a Cursed City expansion a possibility. We can also tell it doesn’t really look like any other “small” models we’ve seen before…

March 15th, 2022

More New Death Korps of Krieg: GW Rumor Engine

The Rumor Engine – 15th March 2022

Ah, it’s that kind of tip. Is that a spear with a grenade tied to it? 

From the look of this, we have an explosive spear tip that appears to have some sort of power coupling attached to a shaft. While it could be anything still at this point, the only thing that comes to mind is the hunting lance for the Death Korps of Krieg Death Rider Squad.

However as you can see for both the art and the existing Forge World models, they dont look quite like this…

April 5th, 2022

A Baby Looking For Its Carrier: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 04-05-22

Right out the gate, this looks like the exact same creature as another rumor engine a while back, which we also included below… This makes us believe it really is a new creature we haven’t seen before, probably coming in the form of a specialist game or even a cursed city expansion.

April 12th, 2022

Lookout Duty: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 04-12-22Right out of the gate, the Armor style looks much more in line with AoS themes, meaning it’s probably for Age of Sigmar or a specialist game in the setting. Additionally, the Armor looks a little similar to Sigvald, meaning there may be a new armored model incoming!

April 19th, 2022

Now This Is Warhammer! New GW Rumor Engine

4-19 rumor engine

Right out of the gate, we might want to think this is AoS due to its primitive nature, however, there’s a checkerboard pattern on the right that’s nearly exclusive to 40k Orks!

This looks like a new Warhammer or some kind of counterweight…

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think we will be seeing next new Games Workshop models wise from these teasers? 

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