RUMORS: New Slaanesh Model Teasers Spotted

By Rob Baer | November 7th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

daemonette close up chaos demon hor wal

Don’t miss the latest clues on new Slaanesh models, the Wrath & Rapture starter, and the preview that may be hidden in the newest rumor engine from GW!

Games Workshop previewed Daemonettes going against Khorne Daemons in a brand new box set. The best part? Both sides are getting updated models! Speaking of updated models, a new rumor engine is suggesting even more Slaanesh support in the future.

RUMORS: New Slaanesh Model Teasers Spotted

As the first Wrath & Rapture video we’ve seen with some real meat to it, we can get a better idea of what’s going to be inside and it is a lot.

Wrath and Rapture is a new boxed set that pits the bloodthirsty Daemons of Khorne against their most ancient and bitter rivals – the Daemons of Slaanesh. Like other battleboxes that have gone before it, this set will feature a loads of miniatures including exclusive new characters and units, like these ferocious Flesh Hounds:

khorne hounds wrath & rapture

That means these Flesh Hounds are coming in plastic. We’re sure that’s a welcomed update in the Khorne community.

Hopefully, this is only the start of the two most overlooked Chaos gods in the Warhammer universe.

khorne wrath and rapture 2

Doesn’t that Fiend of Slaanesh look really familiar? That’s because it was previewed a while back at the very beginning or Orktober. It looks like at least three will be coming inside the box.

slaanesh wrath and rapture 2

It took the longest time but these Fiends of Slaanesh are remarkable new models. They show off every element of Slaanesh’s exquisite and twisted style.

Slaanesh Character Spotted in Wrath & Rapture Art?

Remember the quote under the video did mention “exclusive new characters” and from what we made out of the video, nothing stood out as a new character model…until an eagle-eyed fan spotted something special.

Remember the Rumor Engine from a while back?

rumor engine 7-3-18 Rumor Engine: We Don't Mean to Harp Too Much

We got this rumor engine a while ago showing what we thought was a harp with some VERY strong Slaanesh undertones. It looks like we were spot on with our guess. Check out what Oneillc82 on Twitter spotted.

wrath & rapture slaanesh

That is UNMISTAKABLY some kind of Slaanesh Daemonette playing the harp. You can even draw an exact match between the art and the rumor engine. It gets cut off right at the blatantly obvious Slaanesh insignia (I wonder why they cropped that out of the rumor engine).

We can make some guesses on what kind of rules the Slaanesh model will have based on some classic Slaanesh tricks. She might make everyone around her in a certain bubble -1 to hit. Or maybe even make the enemy units +1 to hit. (because she’s so beguiling and shredding a daemon harp).

We first heard a rumor about a Slaanesh model playing the harp on a guy’s skin originally around October. Even though we haven’t seen the model quite yet, it looks like the guessing game is over.

Rumor Engine Suggesting Slaanesh Weapon?

rumor engine 11-6-18

This is coming from the most recent rumor engine. It looks like another Slaaneshi arm-weapon. Looking at the top of the pic, you can see what looks to be muscle transitioning into the weapon itself. This is a VERY similar design to the Slaanesh claw weapons that all Daemonettes have.

The key features here are the elegant design at the base of the weapon. Slaanesh is all about being fancy and exquisite. Then lastly, the iconic “claw” shape of the weapon. Like we said before, it’s not quite as big as the traditional Daemonette claw weapons, but it most definitely has the same design and shape.

Could this be a special bit for a new model on the way to Slaanesh’s forces?

Reader Amon-Alex69 shared his theory on the latest rumor engine post here, and it looks like there may a connection with Slaanesh after all. Just perhaps not as any of us would have imagined.

Obviously this is Slaanesh, but I am 100% sure it’s not daemons, take a look.
We have a description of what might be Helstriders (or an entirely new cavalry) and we have something interesting, because if we know something from the description , those aren’t Daemonettes. Daemonettes don’t wear masks nor need for mock claws. Now I think it like some indian katar but more golvish.
We will see but that sure will be interesting.

Interesting indeed! Check out what Amon-Alex69 was referring to on page 166 of the Age of Sigmar Rulebook:

slaanesh rumors

“Silk-Clad courtesans… each wearing hideous masks and mock claws

Sounds like Slaanesh may have some allies in the Mortal Realms, that are far from Daemonic… as of yet. Plus spoilers in the passage may seem to indicate even more new miniatures may be on the way as well.

Perhaps most telling is that fact that page 166, where this excerpt was taken from, contains the entry of the Chaos God Slaanesh for Age of Sigmar:

Slaanesh Rumors From Earlier in the Year

Check out the previous rumors that look to be coming true in order:

  • a new box set will come out similar to the Speed Freeks Box for Orks. Sources indicate it will be for Aeldari / Ynnari. CONFIRMED
  • Fiends of Slaanesh will be getting a new model (finally)
  • A new Slaaneshi model will feature a female looking form playing the harp on a guy’s skin (spotted in the Wrath & Rapture art).
  • Fulgrim is also supposedly 100% in the works as well

fulgrim spotted

Now that we’ve seen the art of the Harp-playing Slaanesh character, we should be looking ahead for a model in a preview hopefully very soon.


Silk-Clad courtesans… each wearing hideous masks and mock claws? Is the latest rumor engine looking even better than before?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.