Shadowspear Points, New Forge World, & Star Wars LATEST

space marine primaris wal hor site shadowspear

Abaddon is on deck according to GW, plus new releases for Khorne, Star Wars Legion, Forge World, and the latest on Shadowspear!

We’ve got the biggest announcements for the tabletop hobby, with our expert commentary that you may have missed over the weekend while you may have been relaxing.

New Khorne is Coming: Next Week’s GW Releases REVEALED!

khorne aos sigmar hor wal

News on Abaddon and new rules for 40k, plus a wave of new releases for Khorne in Age of Sigmar are on the way for next week! Read More

Star Wars Legion Has Two New Expansions Up for Pre-Order

legion walThe Rebels have had enough of what’s going on at Hoth. Two new expansions for the faction are on their way to the tabletop. Read More

Chaos & Primaris Points for Shadowspear Box Set: REVEALED

primaris book cover hor marine 2019's Wave of New Primaris Space Marines Are Here!Get in here.  Don’t miss a full look at the Shadowspear rules and points costs for all the new models coming in the newest box set for Warhammer 40k! Read More

New Black Library: False Gods, Redeemer & More

Screenshot_591Even more great books are here from Black Library, as False Gods, Redeemer and more headline the lore side of things this week from Games Workshop! Read More

New Forge World Releases For March 15th REVEALED

forge world new releases games workshop warhammer community thundehawkForge World announced its next wave of pre-orders and Nurgle is getting a little bit of Blood Bowl support. Check out the latest new release and bundle. Read More

Stormcasts Emerge In Warhammer Adventures Cartoon!

aos walThe Stormcasts are finally here in the latest Warhammer Adventures Saturday Morning Cartoon short. Come see the latest on Sigmar’s finest! Read More

3 Big Changes Are Here For Warhammer 40k’s ITC Format This March

itc walThe Warhammer 40k ITC format is being shaken up with some new scoring, BETA secondaries and missions in March. Don’t miss the latest changes that are headed your way! Read More

New Primaris Vanguard Space Marine Rules CONFIRMED

new primaris vanguardDon’t miss the latest confirmed rules on the new stealthy Phobos Vanguard Marines that are coming in Shadowspear built around tactical insertion and recon. Read More

Attention: Warhammer 40k Munchkin Is Now On Pre-Order

Exclusive Warhammer 40k Munchkin Cards SPOTTEDDon’t miss this one! Warhammer 40k Munchkin is coming our way soon, as it’s up for pre-order on Steve Jackson Games and other fine retailers worldwide. Check out the latest! Read More

And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.