Six Things You Didn’t Want To Miss From GW Open Day!

open-day-preview-2020These are the six most talked about things from GW’s New Years Open day over the weekend. It was a massive set of announcements and you didn’t want to miss…

Warhammer Community dropped a ton of previews this weekend. So let’s go over the most talked-about teasers and our take on why they are so important!

new years open day games workshop warhammer

2019 was an incredible year for Warhammer, with new games, new armies, and the first of the new plastic Sisters of Battle. Today, we’re at the New Year Open Day, getting a sneak peek at what’s coming in 2020 for the Mortal Realms and the grim darkness of the far future…

Hobby heroes Fauxhammer and Garro were at the event and shared some great pictures of the model as well:

Even More New 40k Sisters of Battle SPOTTED!

Sisters of Battle hype is real! Don’t miss all the pics of the new multi-part Warhammer 40k models kits and sprues were just revealed at New Years Open Day!

Hobby heroes Fauxhammer and Garro were at the event and shared some great pictures of the model as well:

More New Mulipart Sisters of Battle Kits for 2020

We knew there would be new kits for all the units that came in the Army box. Here is the latest new Infantry model reveals from New Years Open.

Wow! Zephyrim, Retributors, and that Battle Sanctum! Get another view of the individual miniatures.

Here come the big guns, looks like these Sisters are packing some serious heat!


LINK: Best Tabletop & Storage Tools

New Zephyrim variants of the Seraphim are also looking great. Note the floaty dove far right.

Multipart sculpts for the Arco-flagellants look to have a ton of options for poses.

This looks to be the variant kit for the Penitent Engine/ Mortifier. There is also what looks to be a fully enclosed version as well below.

And last but surely not least is the Sisters Battle Sanctum. Look at how it towers over the other models in this release wave:

sisters of battle sanctum (2)The Sister of Liberty stands tall on the tabletop for sure.  Check out the other closeups of Sisters models we hadn’t seen in the wild quite yet as well from the event.

sisters of battle (3)


sisters of battle (8)


sisters of battle (6)


sisters of battle (5)


sisters of battle (4)There is the fully enclosed version of the Mortifier engine, which is horrifying in its own right!

GW Teases New High Elves for 2020!

age of sigmar elf tecilis elves high Looks like the rumors were true, more Elves are on the way for Age of Sigmar in 2020. Check out the latest High Elves er Pointy Elves teasers from GW.


Wow, so Teclis and his “proper” aelves are on their way this year! Can’t wait to see what he brings with him…

pointy high elves


pointy high elves


pointy high elves


teclisFantasy Teclis Pictured previous, and his AoS Version above?

Rumor Engines Giving Clues About What’s Ahead?

If you follow Warhammer Community and their weekly previews, they give us a new “mystery bit” every week. And as we’ve compiled all the rumors over time… There are a few that we can pull out and make the assumption that there may be something big coming.

September 3rd, 2019

New GW Rumor Engine: An Elegant Weapon?

rumor engine 9-3-2019

September 17th, 2019

Magic Is Heresy? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 9-17-19

October 1st, 2019

For… Sigmar? New GW Rumor Engine Emerges

rumor engine 10-1-19

October 15th, 2019

Triple Shot Repeater Crossbow: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 10-15-19


high elvesOf the first four rumor engines, they are themed around some kind of weaponry. And while they are all elegant and don’t look brutish at all, like Ogor’s clubs, for example, there’s the chance that these could all be a part of a massive faction overhaul for something like High Aelves/Dark Aelves.

October 29th, 2019

A Guardian Stone on the Path Ahead? New GW Rumor Engine!

rumor engine 10-29-19

December 3rd, 2019

Bonsai Sylvaneth? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 12-3-19

And while the last two are some kind of stone with some etchings and what looks to be a smaller tree, who’s to say that these can’t be some scenery to a possible new line of Aelves?

GW Reveals More On New Tau Commander Shadowsun!

The Xenos we have always wanted! Commander Shadowsun has been officially previewed at Games Workshop’s New Years Open day! Here’s the latest for Tau…

The Model Revealed:

O’Shaserra, better known as Commander Shadowsun, is getting an awesome new model!

Her newly up-gunned battlesuit now comes equipped as standard with an arsenal of weapons, from a flechette launcher to light missile pod, and the choice of tank-busting high-energy fusion blasters or Space Marine-melting dispersed fusion blasters. Shadowsun is also accompanied by her trusty pair of high-tech drones which bring with them a suite of handy tactical abilities.

Tau Commander Shadowsun Model for 2020

We had seen the teaser image but I’m not sure anyone was prepared for a new Shadowsun model. Let’s check out all the options she’s coming with!

shadowsun commander 2020

Best of all, as befits this iconic hero of the empire, she can now lead any Sept, not just those of her homeworld, so she can take command of any T’au Empire collection***. We think she’ll look right at home at the head of a strike force of Stealth Suits and Ghostkeels.

The version in the case at New Years Open appears to be sans her hair from this angle.

It also looks from the official GW pics and these display case ones, there may be as many as three head variants as well!


These painted shots add more depth to the model, and from this angle she appears a bit “squat”.



Pictured above is the box packaging, sprues, and concept art as well.

Shadowsun drops in alongside the release of book 5 of Psychic Awakening, titled “The Greater Good”, but we’ll have to wait a little bit longer before we find out who the T’au will be up against.

We would imagine she’ll be seeing a $40 price tag attached to her upon release in February.

New Archaon Everchosen Supplement & More For AoS!


He blew up the old world, and now Archaon and the Everchosen are defending themselves from Nagash? Here comes the newest supplement for Age of Sigmar!

The Models Revealed:

As of this post, there was no official video showcasing the Everchosen supplement.

Hobby heroes Fauxhammer and Garro were at the event and shared some great pictures of the models as well:

Everchosen- The Supplement

Que the bad vs. rotten theme music, Age of Sigmar is about to have a fateful showdown…

The big news of 2019 was the rise of the Ossiarch Bonereapers – Nagash’s new legion, ready to bring war to every corner of the realms. 8 of those corners lie within the Eightpoints, the heart of Archaon’s empire of Chaos. So, now the forces of Death are making a play for the most strategically valuable citadel in creation.

Prepare for the ultimate Evil vs Evil mega Chaos-Death fight in “Wrath of the Everchosen”.


wrath of the everchosen

This new book tells the story of the Ossiarch Bonereaper invasion of the Eightpoints and the battle for the Varanspire. It’s just as well a lot of you have recently started new Chaos forces, as you are going to have lots of undead to kill in 2020.*

There will be loads of fun stuff for every gamer in the Age of Sigmar too, with new rules for wandering monsters, roaming endless spells and even siege warfare!

Personally I think the appeal of AoS is that there isn’t as much complexity to the game, but maybe this new supplement will offer something that makes a little bit more book keeping worth it?

Chaos players will get especially spoilt, with a host of new army options to represent the myriad forces under Archaon’s command – mortal, monster and daemonic alike. It’s a good time to be bad!

Warcry New Releases


Warcry is also getting some new releases updates too. We had already seen some of these lovelies, but apparently folks at open day could see them first hand!

warcry sphinranx 2


warcry monster fomoroid crusher



ogroid myrmidon warcry

Your warband will definitely want to break the spirit of one of these beasts and add them to your menagerie as you seek glory in the Bloodwind Spoil, and you won’t have to wait long as they’ll both be available in the next few weeks.

warcry chaos warband monster fomoroid crusherFrom this display preview, these monsters all look to be separate releases. At $35-$40 per single model now in Warhammer, how much do you think they will retail for shortly?

True to their word, painted versions were on hand as well.

Beastgrave Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers

Get in his belly!

Hrothgorn beastgrave

Fighting for a different type of glory is the newest Warhammer Underworlds warband. Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers are coming to Beastgrave and are looking hungry.**

Hrothgorn beastgrave (2)

It doesn’t matter how big you are or how small – everyone in Beastgrave is going to be prey when Hrothgorn arrives.

That’s all the previews on the Age of Sigmar side of things. Don’t worry though, there is still Aether War on the way next week, and as you can see plenty more is on the way as well.

New Pics Spotted For Primaris Captain Lazarus Model

Don’t miss the newest pics and latest previews for 40k Psychic Awakening releases including Captain Lazarus that were spotted at New Years Open Day 2020.

Primaris Captain Lazarus Coming With Wargear Options

dark angel primaris lazarus wargearNormally, named characters have set wargear. Gabriel Seth has Bloodreaver, Dante has the Axe Mortalis, Marneus Calgar has his fists, and Vulkan has his spear. All of the wargear on named characters is normally set in stone, so to speak. However, Lazarus looks to be the first Primaris named character with different weapon options.

While we first saw him carrying his helmet with a sword, you’ll also be able to put a helmet on him and have him toting a bolter and power fist instead.

Lazarus Reveals From New Years Open

First off here’s the sprue shots of the new Captain:

Lazarus primaris captain dark angels box

I think this is the first time they made a hand to hold a helmet and have options for accessories like wings for it as well. From this sprue pic, it’s had to tell if you can put the wings on the helm for the head or not, but I doubt that would stop some players from kitbashing this into a Primaris Azrael.

Lazarus primaris captain dark angels box

Another look at the options from the back of the box.

Lazarus primaris captain dark angels paintedPlus here is the painted version that was on display over the weekend Looking good for a “traitor” eh?

Which is your favorite new release previewed for Warhammer from the open day?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!