Triple Shot Repeater Crossbow: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engine

Another rumor engine is out and making its rounds across the web. What new model could be in store for next from GW’ after taking a look at this bit?

Warhammer Community revealed another mystery bit that looks somewhat like a crossbow. Based on the cosmetics alone, it might be a solid guess that it’s coming to AoS. However, we can’t always be too sure.

Triple Shot Repeater Crossbow?

rumor engine 10-15-19

Looking at this bit, it might be a bit too medieval to show up in a universe like 40k. With that said, you can see bent (probably metal) plates with a string tightly fixed to a single position.

ballistaGoing back to the new rumor engine above, compare it to this triple-shot ballista somebody made. You can see the plates keeping tension on the strings are layered exactly how they are in the mystery bit. GW might have put their own spin on something like a real-life multishot Ballista once again.

Note: Stormcast do have a multi-shot ballista model. However, it’s got four barrels and explodes with lightning. This bit might go to a faction that isn’t as technologically advanced. Maybe this is a new Free People’s or Elven model!


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While the mystery bit looks somewhat strangely like the Infernal Enrapturess’s rumor engine which turned out to be her harp, we might be looking at a crossbow/ballista here.

What are your thoughts on the new rumor engine? Have you spotted something that we didn’t? What faction would a triple-shot Ballista go to?

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