Stores & Magic Collectors Concerned Over New $1000 Packs

Stores and collectors have something to say about Wizards’ new 30th Anniversary Magic packs priced at $1000; here is why!

We’re honestly not quite sure how Wizards of the Coast thought this would go; for Magic The Gathering’s 30th anniversary, they are releasing s $1000 bundle pack of basically just all proxies technically without any value for players.

It seems like they expected it to go better than it has initially. If you want to see all the cards, you can here, but for now, we’ll focus more on the reaction.

Everyone has Something to Say About Wizards’ $1000  30th Anniversary Magic Packs

Wizards 1000 packsComing from Reddit, this post has a 95% upvote rating, 430 comments, and 1.9k upvotes. We’re not sure what will if this doesn’t give you an idea of how the community feels about the decision.

While this is people on Reddit, it pretty much shows how people are reacting for the most par that we have seen, especially when you consider this very important fact:

30th aniversay back

30th Anniversary Edition is a commemorative, collectible, non-tournament-legal product celebrating 30 years of Magic. Inspired by Limited Edition Beta, 30th Anniversary Edition lets fans and collectors experience some of the most iconic elements of Magic’s early years.

So not only are these insanely expensive, they even state they are not tournament legal, and the community has talked plenty about that issue.

The largest retailer of Magic cards in the Sandhills of North Carolina had this to say about the situation on their Facebook Group:

Wizards 1000 packs 2

For us, this pretty much sums up the situation, especially considering you can only buy these online (meaning your Local Gaming Store doesn’t get anything from it).

They are proxies, and it really just feels like a cash grab. This also opens issues (or maybe opportunities) with people printing their own cards, fakes, and proxies in general.

Think about it, if they are going to release proxies, then why can’t we just make our own and save a ton of money? Either way, the community has spoken, and at this point, we wish they had actually done something to give people value.

If you really wanted a Black Lotus (or other cards), you could get a different proxy for way cheaper and save a bunch of cash, and basically have the same thing. Well, not exactly the same, as these will have some value on the market as they will be limited, but we’re not sure how much…

Either way, as of right now, the community is not very supportive of the decision. While these are going to be somewhat limited, how much value can there be in a pack of proxies?

Well, that all comes down to how much the community thinks the cards will be worth (just like all collectibles), and right now, they don’t seem too hot on them.

Either way (if you love or hate the idea), vote with your hobby dollars! 


If you want to see more on the other Warhammer 40k Magic Cards factions’ cards, and even all the new playmats and accessories, click on the links below:

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