Titanicus, AoS 2.0, Legion, Forge World: LATEST

black coach Age of Sigmar

It’s raining new releases this weekend, as Titanicus and Age of Sigmar 2.0 made a huge splash at Warhammer Fest. Check out that and the latest from FFG’s Legion and Kickstarters galore this morning.

If you blinked this Mother’s Day weekend you may have missed some sort of update on one of the games you love. Here are every hobby updates since Friday to get you back in the hobby trenches this Monday morning.

Original Space Marine Designer Funds Kickstarter

Overrunners Cover Img

So the guy that designed Space Marines for GW has a Kickstarter! Check out Bob Naismith’s Overrunners that is now fully funded and ready

Spikey Bits Turns Nine With Orks

nine years old

Spikey Bits just turned nine years old and to that, we say happy birthday! Check out our very first hobby tutorial post from all those years ago.

Fett & Scouts Announced For Star Wars Legion

boba fett

Boba Fett’s HERE! Fantasy Flight Games just announced two new expansions for Star Wars: Legion. Come see the latest on Fett and Imperial Scouts

FFG Reveals X-Wing 2nd Edition’s Maneuverability

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FFG revealed maneuverability previews for the T-65 X-wing and TIE Advanced X-1’s dials that are coming soon in the new 2nd edition reboot.


Harlequins Next: GW Reveals Late May Releases

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Harlequins are dropping out of the webway next week, as Games Workshop just revealed their late May pre-order releases Warhammer 40k.

Latest Knight Releases & Rules Rumors

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Come see the latest rules and release rumors for the new Imperial Knight releases that may be on the way for 8th Edition Warhammer

New Black Library: Wolfsbane, Red Fief, & More

Wolfsbane feature img

More great books are here from Games Workshop this week, as Wolfsbane, The Red Feif, and Neferata: Mortarch of Blood headline the lore side of things

New Pics For Nighthaunts Black Coach Spotted

Nagash Sigmar Death Wal Hor

New pictures of the Nighthaunts jaw-dropping new Black Coach have been spotted as it was on display for Day 2 of Warhammer Fest 2018.

2018 New Release Update: 40k, Horus Heresy, & AoS

hor of space marine and chaos

Horus Heresy LIVES! Come see more exclusive new release pics for Warhammer 40k, Horus Heresy, and Age of Sigmar from Warhammer Fest 2018

Adeptus Titanicus: New Model Pictures & Scale

Wondering how big the Titan models and terrain are for Forge World ‘s new Adeptus Titanicus game?

What’s Coming In Age Of Sigmar’s Second Edition

stormcast on dracoth sigmar vandus wal hor

A new edition and a slew of models have just been announced for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar! Come see what is changing for AoS

Forge World Reveals Titanicus & More At Fest ’18

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At their first seminar from Warhammer Fest Forge World revealed what’s to come for Adeptus Titanicus, Necromunda, and  Blood Bowl

GW’s First Plastic Sister Of Battle REVEALED

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Games Workshop revealed their first plastic Sisters of Battle at Warhammer Fest 2018, come see what’s coming next for the Soritas.

Warhammer Fest: News For Everything Warhammer

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018

Warhammer Fest 2018 wasted no time releasing the news everyone had been anticipating for everything Warhammer related!

New 40k Rules & Releases From Forge World

Thunderhawks walpaper1 Forge World

Forge World released a bundle of new goodies for hobbyists to snatch up this weekend including the new rules sheet for the Custodes Telemon Dreadnought.

Rogue Trader Skirmish Confirmed By GW

rouge trader skirmish 40k rules pdf

New 40k box set images surfaced Friday featuring the forces of Nurgle battling against an Imperial Roge Trader force.

So that’s a wrap on all the hobby updates from this weekend related to the games we love.  Here’s looking ahead to a sizzling hot hobby summer release wise for more than one new edition out there!

next 3 codex books

Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop