New AoS Ogors & Sylvaneth Vanguard Boxes: What’s the Value?

Vanguard-Box-sets-ogors-sylvanethCheck out the pricing and value inside the Age of Sigmar Ogor Mawtribes and Sylvaneth Vanguard Boxes in this savings breakdown!

Remember, these are mostly designed for new players to the latest faction and are marketed as a quick way to get an army on the table to play some small games fast.

Most times, the starter-style kits are a pretty good value. So even if you have some of the armies already, these could be a decent value. Let’s start with Sylvaneth and then jump into the other one. 

Sylvaneth Vanguard Box $130


Grow a new army or spring forth reinforcements for an existing one with the new Sylvaneth Vanguard. This box includes a Branchwych, a skilled magic user backed up with three deadly Kurnoth Hunters. Anything that survives that magic-combat one-two will be finished off by five Tree-Revenants, which can alternately be assembled as Spite-Revenants. Rounding out the force is a Treelord, who can also be assembled as a Treelord Ancient or a Spirit of Durthu.

  • Branchwych $25 (not currently on the US site, going for £16 on the UK site)
  • Treelord $70
  • Tree-Revenants/Spite-Revenants $50
  • Kurnoth Hunters $60

Total MSRP: $205

Savings Versus $130 Box Price: $75

Is the Sylvaneth Vanguard Box Value Worth it?

Battletome SylvanethThere is decent value inside, and for only $130, if you need the minis inside, might as well pick one up. Obviously, the units are very centered around some of the bigger minis, but you basically get a Treelord for free with this box, so that’s actually a nice value.

However, since they are so specific for units inside, if you don’t need the Treelord or Kurnouth Hunters, it’s not really worthwhile as they have almost all the value.

Still, a decent way to start a new Sylvaneth army.

Ogor Mawtribes Vanguard Box $130

Ogor Vanguard

Start a new Ogor Mawtribes army or add to an existing one with this packed boxed set. It’s overflowing with a mighty leader in the form of a Tyrant, plus six Ogor Gluttons, the core infantry of the ogors, and two fast-moving Mournfangs. There is also some lethal firepower in the form of four Leadblechers and an Ironblaster, which can alternatively be built as a Gnoblar Scraplauncher.

  • Tyrant $35
  • Ogor Gluttons $55
  • Mournfangs $35 ($70 for 4)
  • Leadblechers $42
  • Ironblaster $38

Total MSRP: $205

Savings Versus $130 Box Price: $75

Is the Ogor Mawtribes Vanguard Box Value Worth it?

Ogor battletomeThis has an identical value to the other box, so all the same stuff goes for the price. While only getting two of the Mournfangs is a little underwhelming, having four would really have pushed the value too much for what they are trying to achieve. This has a decent mix of units inside, some core-type stuff, and some more interesting units.

If you’re just getting started, this is going to be a decent way to do it!

What to Add Next?

Let’s start with Sylvaneth. There are a few cool new units out for them with the last book, but you don’t have to go that way. Grabbing some Dryads is never a bad idea, as you could always use some smaller models that are a little more expandable and good at grabbing objectives and taking up board space.

If you want some more speed and shooting, the Gossamid Archers are a fun unit, or you could always go with the Seekers and really run rings around the enemy!

For Ogors, you have a decent core, but you definitely want some Ironguts, as they are a key unit. Then, after that, you’ll want some magic, so grabbing a Butcher or two can never be a bad idea. After that, for Ogors, it’s really all flavor, and how you want to take your army.

You could always add more Leadblechers and another artillery piece to really destroy with shooting, or go full combat and get more big combat units!

All The AoS Vanguard Boxes: Pricing & Value Breakdown

Will you be picking this up? Do you like the value and savings inside the Vanguard Boxes? 

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