Battlescribe Alternatives, New Warhammer Previews, Top 40k Armies LATEST

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Here are all the new tabletop gaming releases, previews, rumors, and more from the weekend, plus the latest from Games Workshop.


This weekend, there were a ton of updates and news regarding the latest releases, previews, and rumors about tabletop gaming and miniatures hobby from Games Workshop, among others! Whether you’re curious about the newest Warhammer 40k mini releases, roadmap previews or want to know what’s shaking up the tabletop world, we’ve got the rundown right here.

Looking ahead, the return of the Emperor’s Children in 2025 promises even more excitement, while the new Space Wolves rumors have everyone speculating like they’re on a reality TV show. Finally, our Warhammer Bases Guide ensures you’re well-equipped to make your miniatures stand out.

Tabletop Gaming & Games Workshop News From Over The Weekend

Next Week Slaves to darkness revealed

GW Reveals New AoS Slaves to Darkness and Underworlds Pre-Orders

Games Workshop just revealed the new Warhammer AoS Slaves to Darkness update, plus more Underworlds, hitting pre-order this week! Read More

Warhammer Bases Guide: Complete 40k Base Size Reference

Stay in the know with the official Games Workshop bases to use for Warhammer 40k with this complete basing size guide for miniatures. Read More

And there you have it, folks! We’ve just taken a whirlwind tour through the latest happenings in the tabletop realm. Games Workshop has pulled back the curtain on new AoS Slaves to Darkness and Underworlds pre-orders—because who doesn’t love a good chaos fix? Be sure to check out all the other new release roadmap previews from Games Workshop below for Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, and, of course, Warhammer 40k as well:

That’s it for all the latest Games Workshop news, rumors, and releases for wargaming in general. Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else tabletop wargaming has to offer this week.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think of everything that happened over the weekend for tabletop gaming and Warhammer?