Beastclaw Raiders Rules Stomp into AoS 2.0

By Wesley Floyd | June 1st, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Uncategorized


Beastclaw Raiders are stomping in on today’s latest rules teaser from Games Workshop. Time to take a look at what they’ll be getting in AoS 2.0.

Warhammer Community just revealed some of what Beastclaw Raiders will be doing on the tabletop.

Who are the Beastclaw Raiders?

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Hardy, hungry and ferociously strong, the Beastclaw Raiders are a vast clan of nomadic ogors who roam across the Mortal Realms. Pursued endlessly by a supernatural ice storm known as the Everwinter, they must constantly keep moving to survive – and woe betide any who get in their way.

To the Beastclaw Raiders, the cities and civilisations of the Mortal Realms are nothing but an obstacle to be crushed by their massive war-beasts. The wealth of nations is scavenged to maintain the ogors’ crude weapons and armour, and the civilians are consumed to satisfy the rapacious hunger of the ogors themselves. To battle the Beastclaw Raiders is to be battered down by an avalanche of muscle, horn and scrap iron, as gigantic monsters and ferocious riders smash all before them underfoot.

Beastclaws Raiders in 2.0

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Firstly, the GREAT news. The Beastclaw Raiders have seen some considerable points reductions across the board. All Thundertusk and Stonehorn units now cost a decent chunk less, allowing you to fit more into your army lists, while several warscroll battalions have likewise been discounted, making grabbing command points (not to mention all manner of handy bonuses) even easier.

Everything is getting a point reduction. Models across the board will cost cheaper. So you can still do 6 mortal wounds, but now it may be even easier.

beastclaw firebelly

If you don’t have a Firebelly yet, you’ll want to get one ahead of time. They are getting a point reduction and can heal your allies along with flinging a bunch of magical swords at the enemy. What better way to deal with a problem than by shooting swords at them with your mind?

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Quicksilver swords model

Artifact of the Beastclaw

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This artifact essentially says that the bearer becomes immortal for a turn. getting a 50/50 chance to ignore ALL wounds for an entire turn is crazy when you give it to a faction of big burly men riding snow beasts. These units are already tough to take down. Pair this with  Stonehorn’s Stone Skeleton ability and you’ll ignore wounds on a 4+ and take half damage. Talk about a tank.

Beastclaws will be no joke. It looks like their strength will lie in their point reduction. They were already good to start with and now they’re cheaper and can heal. Not to mention that artifact can absorb an entire combat phase from the opponent if you want it to.

Missed the other stuff we’ve covered? Look no further.

GW Teases Rules of The Realms For AoS 2.0

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What do you think about the Beastclaws artifact? How many Firebellies are you taking? What realm do you want to fight in the most?

Let us know over in the comments over on our Facebook Hobby Group.

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More on the latest of Warhammer AoS 2.0