Spicy New Death Guard Warlord Traits 40k Rules Leaks!


The new Death Guard Warlord Traits rules have been spotted and they are SPICY! Check out what’s coming in the codex!

Like with all rumors take these with a grain of salt. The good thing about these rumors? We’ll know which ones are true or false very soon! These leaks were spotted over on Imgur, so they look pretty legit. Let’s dive into it!

Rumors: 40K Death Guard Warlord Traits Codex Leaks!

new-death-guard-rulesIf you don’t want to deal with leaks and rumors, you can check out all the rules confirmed and released by GW below.

GW has covered everything from army-wide rules to individual units, now let’s dive into the new leaks!

Warlord Traits

DG Warlord Traits

  • This looks pretty legit if you ask us. Starting off, if you just can’t let go of that FNP, you make your warlord tougher than ever (when combined with the new Disgustingly Resilient rule)
  • The living plague is quite interesting if your opponent is trying to buff a single unit into a powerhouse, and with so many units getting buffed from different auras, it’s pretty cool.
  • The Hulking Physique rule isn’t the wildest thing, but getting an extra wound and only ever being on a 4+ can be seriously annoying for your opponent. This could be perfect when you know your opponent is taking tons of high strength weapons.
  • Arch Contaminator isn’t bad, but since you’re already rerolling ones with plague weapons, it may not feel as effective as some of the others. But hey, nothing wrong with rerolling all the wounds if you’re up against some high toughness guys that you’re going to have a hard time wounding.
  • Rotten Constitution will make your Warlord almost impossible to kill with small arms fire or low AP CC attacks. Nothing wrong with making your Warlord harder to kill.
  • Foul Effluents can be extremely useful against small expensive units. While it won’t do much to horde style armies, if you can kill off a couple of minis that are 25+ points, it’s going to hurt! also, it is on every unit within 6″, so maybe you can get off 2 or 3 mortals a turn.

Mortarion Gets a Bunch!

Mortarion Warlord traitsWell, it looks like Mortarion is not losing his FNP, and with the damage being reduced, he’s going to be tougher than ever! He’ll also be able to buff up your armies Plague Weapon efficiency and be harder than ever to kill in combat. If you were planning on rerolling all those missed hits and wounds against Morty in combat, think again!

What do you think about the new traits? Are you happy with them?

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