GW Reveals Death Guard Deadly Pathogens 40k Rules

With the release being delayed, Gw is giving us a preview of the new Death Guard Deadly Pathogens rules! Check it out.

Today on Warhammer Community, they revealed a couple of new rules to hold us over. It looks like they will be doing a preview every day this week, and this is just part two. If you want to see part one, check it out here. They mention there are 5 major additions to the Death Guard that will really change the way they play. So we can expect one or two things each day for the rest of the you all know by now, the book is being delayed until early next year. So at least these are something to feast on in the meantime, take a look at all the latest reveals.

Today they focus on their Deadly Pathogens rules, let’s take a closer look!

Death Guard Deadly Pathogens Rules Revealed!

Deadly Pathogens are going to be optional upgrades to take on plague weapons used by your DG characters. Of course, this will come with a small point increase. To start, just upgrading a weapon is going to add 1 strength to anything you take it on (Ranged or CC), and then there are going to be some further upgrades. Today, they only showed one of the possible options, but let’s take a look.

Viscous deathWell, it’s quite obvious what type of weapon this is made for! Depending on the cost this could really give you some reliability to your variable attack weapons. They do say the price will be nominal, so hopefully just a few points. If you’re getting +1 strength, rerolling 1’s to wound, and rerolling the number of attacks, this could turn some pretty normal weaponry deadly. Let’s take a look at what they suggest to take it on and the Twin Plague Spewer Profile.

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Twin Plague Spewer

Twin Plague SpewerWhen you take into account the plus one strength, if you upgrade this, and rerolling the number of hits, this can mow down some infantry. Not to mention that you reroll 1’s to wound, if you’re going against some Toughness 3 dudes, this can basically almost take out 7-8 Guardsmen in one shot. Not that killing Guardsmen is a way to gauge your army, but still… Pretty cool little rule! We’ll have to wait and see what the other options are, but it’s pretty fun to just see this one!

What do you think about the new rules? Are you getting more excited for the release?

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