40k Death Guard Lord of Virulence Rules Revealed!

9th-edition-tex-&-books-death-guard-codex-titleWith the codex coming soon, GW just released some teaser rules for the Lord of Virulence, including his aura, – check it out!

The Death Guard is finally up for release and GW just continues to drop the teasers! As today on Warhammer Community, they gave us another wave of rules to get people excited about the codex as we head into the pre-order window. 

All the 40k Death Guard Rules so Far


If you want to check out any of the previous rules released, check them out below:

GW has covered everything from army-wide rules to individual units, now let’s dive into the new rules!

40k Death Guard Lord of Virulence Rules!

dg Lord of VirulenceClad in ancient Terminator armor and with a vicious twin plague spewer in hand, the Lord of Virulence is a supporting commander par excellence with a host of abilities for improving the Marines they lead into battle. As an expert in artillery and long-range bombardment, the ranged Plague Weapons carried by nearby troops reach new levels of efficiency thanks to the Lord’s Master of Destruction ability.

Master of Destruction Aura

Lord of virulence rulesWhen you combine this with the fact that they are already rerolling ones to wound, this will make your plague weapons even better. When you stack up a large number of shots, you should get a decent number of wounds with that extra ap. Not the craziest aura we’ve seen, but there are just so many rules to combine in the new book that DG is looking fairly strong.

Blight Bombardment

Blight BombardmentThis is a pretty interesting one-time stratagem, and if the Lord of Virulence is your warlord it will only cost 2 CP. This is perfect if you really need to capture a certain objective or want to damage a gun line. While they have a turn to move, it can force a gun line or stationary army to move, or possibly take a bunch of mortal wounds.

Lastly, if you really need to get someone off an objective this is a great way to get some extra damage on the unit holding it.

Are you excited about the new release? Will you be running this guy in your army?

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