Adepticon Is Still Happening! Coronavirus Update & More

soulbound space marine wal horThat’s right folks, Adepticon is still happening at the end of the month. They just put our their second update on the Coronavirus here’s the latest!

The Adepticon team isn’t blowing off the growing concern for the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Plus with people traveling from every part of the globe to spend nearly a week under one roof with thousands of people, there, of course, is some degree of risk involved.  The convention has issued some warnings and things that they recommend we all do if we’re going to be heading to the event.

adepticon 2020 wal

Adepticon Announces Coronavirus Warning & More

nurgle vs stormcast sigmar wal horAdeptiCon 2020 will take place as scheduled from March 25th-29th in Schaumburg, Illinois. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to rate the health risk of COVID-19 for the general American public as low at this time.

As of right now, Adepticon 2020 is still getting the green light, but with that said, we should all be exercising caution here. The Adepticon team also made a list of precautions taking place throughout the event and want to remind every event-goer that they need to be wise about where they touch.

AdeptiCon is working closely with the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel and the Village of Schaumburg to assess risks and develop an onsite readiness and reaction plan. Some of the measures the venue is taking include:

  • Increased cleaning of high-volume, high-touch areas, such as door handles, and elevator buttons
  • Maintaining a team of ambassadors that are fluent in first aid response
  • Engaging with health departments at the city, state and federal levels to ensure we receive the latest updates and protocols

Beast of Nurgle

  • Internally communicate critical information daily through our daily stand-ups and R Ways communication packets to all ambassadors and business partners to help prevent communicable sicknesses throughout the hotel.
  • Maintaining an inventory of preparedness supplies and appropriate cleaning chemicals.
  • Updating our guest room cleaning program to include CDC/Ecolab recommended products
  • Increased public space cleanliness to include a dedicated public space cleaning team
  • Proactively opening high-traffic doors, to decrease or eliminate guest touch points
  • Posting reminders in “moment of truth” areas

AdeptiCon is working to have some prevention supplies on-site, but we encourage all attendees to come prepared by packing items like hand sanitizer and tissues.

What Can You Do?

nurgle walIf you want to maximize your safety, as said above, bring things like hand sanitizer/soap and plenty of tissues. On top of that, they recommend anyone who hasn’t had their flu shot yet to go ahead and get one.  Also be completely mindful that, as of right now, the Coronavirus is primarily spread through saliva. That means watching where you cough (and where other people may be coughing and sneezing). Make sure you don’t touch any part of your face with unwashed hands. And finally, wash your hands whenever you can. ESPECIALLY after you use the bathroom.

If you’re feeling sick, just stay home. It’s not worth risking your health or thousands of other people’s health to go move some plastic minis around a 4X6 table.

AdeptiCon requests that you stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing you should seek immediate medical guidance. Additionally, attendees or staff exhibiting any of the above symptoms onsite, should leave the event and seek medical advice promptly by calling ahead to a doctor’s office or emergency room to get guidance.

Additional information on travel, prevention and situational updates is available on the CDC website and the WHO website. All attendees are encouraged to check the CDC’s Traveler’s Health Notices prior to departure.

Adepticon 2020 New Release Previews & More

Space Marine walpaperWhile the virus is definitely growing in concern, Adepticon is still planning on going strong this year. And we mean really going strong. Warhammer Community has chimed in saying that these previews are going to be something in the range of two hours worth of content. Some hints have already been announced at what could be coming in case you missed it.

We’ve also got a roundup of what was previewed last year if you forgot.

  • It’s the Biggest Warhammer Preview… EVER!
    More of you will be able to attend this Warhammer Preview live than ever before… but that’s not the half of it. We have so much cool stuff to show you in this preview that it’s going to Blow. Your. Mind.
  • So. Much. Stuff.
    There is SO much new, shiny excitement to cram into this preview that we reckon you’ll have two hours of new Warhammer coming at you. You might want to take notes so you remember it all at the end – and bring snacks!
  • It’s For Every Warhammer Fan
    The seminar will include some big news for Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 fans. There’ll also be news from our other Warhammer games, including Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress and Warcry.
  • It Goes Beyond the Tabletop
    This Warhammer Preview will include a look at some of the exciting ways you’ll be seeing Warhammer on your screens soon. In fact, you’ll be the first people in the world outside of the creators to see some of this!
  • It’s Free – But You Need a Ticket!
    Admittance to the preview is already covered by your AdeptiCon ticket – you won’t have to pay anything extra. You will, however, need to guarantee you get a place by registering. Spaces are limited, and most of them have already gone – so make sure you order your Warhammer Preview ticket through your AdeptiCon cart.

Ultimately, it looks like GW is checking all the boxes on this one. With tabletop coverage confirmed on AoS, 40k, Blackstone Fortress and Warcry, we know this is going to be good. But on top of that, they mentioned: “seeing Warhammer on your screens“…Which could be, but certainly not limited to some kind of long-developed video game or even that movie on Inquisitor Eisenhorn we heard about a while back. Who knows maybe even Angels of Death

movie angels of death marine wal hor blood angelsIf you plan on going to the event, be sure you look into grabbing a seat for the seminar! And if you’re going to be hanging back in your hobby corners watching the previews as they announced from your computer, don’t worry…we’ll be covering and breaking down every bit of what they have to unveil.

 With all of this freshly announced, what do you hope GW previews at Adepticon? Would you like to see an actual live-action 40k movie dropped with real actors? What games will you be playing at the event?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!