All The New Space Marines Rules To Know Now!

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Need to keep pace with all of the Marine hotness coming to 40k? We’ve got all of the latest rules and tactics here for you! Check them out.

Coming from Warhammer Community, Crimson Fists, Black Templars, Imperial Fists, Salamanders, Iron Hands, Ultramarines, White Scars, and Raven Guard are all getting a rules buff to their Chapter Tactics. But beyond that, we’ll also be able to make our own custom Chapters with unique Chapter Tactics as well! Plus exciting new units are coming with even more exciting new rules!

Here are some of the key takeaways from the previews, thus far including the new custom Chapter rules!

Numbers Game

primaris-new-rules marines wal

8 chapters will have rules in the new Marine Codex, and 6 of them will have supplements. However, the previews have included chapters we know will have their own book soon. It is unclear at this time if they will feature their overall rules in the SM dex, and then expanded rules in the supplements.

Dorn Has All The Fun

new codex supplements Space marine

Black Templars and Crimson Fists are confirmed in the Space Marine codex with rules.

That’s right, Pedro Kantor’s famously stoic Chapter now joins their fellow Imperial Fists successors, the Black Templars, as one of the eight featured Chapters in the book, complete with their own tactics…

Pray To The Emperor

new Space marine primaris

Chaplains are rumored to be getting “prayers” just like Chaos’ Dark Apostles. Plus Librarians from Ultras and White Scars are getting two new Psychic Disciplines as well-

Indomitus discipline (Ultramarines) and Stormspeaking discipline (White Scars).

Weapon Buffs for Days

stalker bolt rifle

Before we jump into the tactics, the Stalker Bolt Rifle got a nifty bonus at 2 damage a pop now. Intercessors now have the option of toting around (basically) an autocannon.

The new Incursors are also armed with paired combat blades:

Incursor Primaris

Exploding attacks are always good, even if they are on “scouts”.  Plus now with the new Assault Doctrine, you can get -1 AP on your CCW as well. NEAT!

Eliminators just got stupid good.  Are you ready for this?

These deadly marksmen can now target enemy Characters with all three of their bolt sniper rifles’ ammo types (executioner, hyperfrag and mortis rounds), and their ammo profiles have been ramped up – for starters, they’re now all Strength 5!

So add strength to these profiles for all your purging needs. That mortis round is looking even spicier than before at exploding S5 shots that can shoot down hiding characters and units alike.


Plus the highly-anticipated Las Fusil seems to be no joke either.  Shame on all of you that made fun of this “lasgun”.

Eliminator las fusils

The Sergeant of the squad now can act like the Devastator sergeant in some regards and give the unit +1 to hit AND wound which is just a huge force multiplier against mid-level targets now.

Chapter Tactics & Doctrines Affect All Space Marine Units

primaris ultras patreon hor wal

However, a crucial change to all Chapter Tactics in the codex is that they now apply not merely to Infantry, Bikers, and Dreadnoughts, but to ALL UNITS in a Space Marines Detachment!

We’ve been begging for it for over a year and GW has finally done it! Now, Chapter tactics apply to EVERY Space Marine keyworded unit in your army.

Plus Codex Space Marine and Custom Chapters (again sans GK, DA, BA, and SW) can now all benefit from the newly re-introduced Doctrines!

Doctrines are rules that every Codex SM Chapter has free access to. They always start off having the Devastator Doctrine. But as the game progresses, you’ll be able to switch to which doctrine best suits your situation.

Now, it doesn’t just apply to them, but to all of the Chapters (and any successor Chapters you’ve created) that use the rules from Codex: Space Marines.

angels of death combat doctrine

At the start of any of your turns (after the first), you can choose to change from the Devastator Doctrine to the Tactical Doctrine, and again on a later turn, from the Tactical Doctrine to the Assault Doctrine. Once you’ve changed doctrines, you can’t go back – your Space Marines are already committed –but your current doctrine will remain active for the remainder of the battle unless changed. 

Those were the major points that affect the majority of Codex (and in some cases non-codex) Space Marine units.  Below are the links to our extensive breakdowns on the latest previews, and what they could mean for YOUR Astartes army.

Space Marines Get Spicy New Doctrine Rules!

soulbound space marine wal horMore new spicy rules are here for the Space marines. On top of new units, they are also getting more amazing army-wide benefits that players will love! Read More

SM Vehicles Are Great Again: Invictor & Impulsor Rules

primaris space marine walDon’t miss the new rules previews for the brand new Space Marine Primaris Impulsor and Invictus Warsuit! These look like they will be super fun! Read More

GW Reveals New Primaris Rules: Incursors, Eliminators & Infiltrators

space marine primaris wal hor site shadowspearIt’s a new Primaris rules tidal wave! Don’t miss all the new previews for the Primaris Incursors, Eliminators & Infiltrators squads! Read More

This Is The Best New Chapter Space Marine Tactic

space-marine-terminator-walThere may be a new Chapter Tactic Sherriff in town for Space Marines. One of the new customizable Chapter selections rocks! Read More

GW Announces Customizable Space Marine Chapter Rules

how to paint primaris marinesIf Chapter Tactics weren’t enough for you, players will also be able to create their very own Space Marine Chapters with rules in 40k! Read More

New Enhanced Chapter Tactics Space Marine Rules

Imperial Fists

Wow, where have these rules been all our lives? Space Marine players are getting enhanced chapter tactic rules that’ll help your army keep up!

New Primaris Vehicles, Infantry & Characters REVEALED

primaris book cover hor space marine walIt’s raining new models! Don’t miss all the new Space Marine Primaris models that were just revealed by Games Workshop at their latest preview.

GW Announces 7 New Space Marine Codex Books!

soulbound space marine wal horIt’s happening! The rumors of new Space Marine codex books were true, as 7 new supplements are on the way from Games Workshop soon!

New Primaris Space Marines Prices & Lineup

GW opened up the floodgates for new Space Marines over the weekend. Check out the new release lineup and pricing for all those new Primaris!

GW Reveals Ultramarines Psychic, Stratagem, Traits, & Special Rules

fs01-brightultramarine-walpaperDon’t miss all the new rules reveals for Gulliman’s Ultramarines!  The masters of the Codex: Astartes have a new batch of rules coming soon!

Space Marines Get Spicy New Doctrine Rules!

soulbound space marine wal horMore new spicy rules are here for the Space marines. On top of new units, they are also getting more amazing army-wide benefits that players will love!

GW Reveals White Scars Codex New Rules

RUMORS: Next Space Marine Chapter Codex Named White ScarsDon’t miss all the new rules reveals for the White Scars!  The masters hit and run have a new batch of rules coming soon!

Rules are flying at our faces so fast we can hardly digest everything. What are your thoughts on all the marine support just around the corner? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!