New Primaris Vehicles, Infantry & Characters REVEALED

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It’s raining new models! Don’t miss all the new Space Marine Primaris models that were just revealed by Games Workshop at their latest preview.

All eyes were looking at the upcoming preview Saturday, Aug 3rd that marked FIVE consecutive months of GW reveals revolved around hobby!

GEn con warhammer 40k reveals space marines

Boy were hobbyists not disappointed!  Warhammer Community revealed we’ve got even more Primaris Marines headed our way with some new-old characters, wargear, and some squads from the Shadowspear Box Set.

Tigurius Gets Primarisized


Old Tiggy


Primaris Tiggy

We thought Cato Sicarius would be the next Ultramarines character to follow-through with the Primaris conversion but it looks like ol’ Tiggy is hitting the scene with a new model (and probably new stat-line).

Invictor Tactical Warsuit

invictor warsuit

The Invictor Tactical Warsuit is designed with sound-dampening materials, enabling it to move at great speed with minimal noise output in support of the living pilot’s Vanguard brethren. In fact, it can even set up alongside them in concealed deployment! And yes, that totally is a pistolised heavy bolter strapped to its hip!

First spotted out of a video showcasing some blurred-out models, we thought this would be a new Redemptor Dread and it looks like we were half right. The Invictor Tactical Warsuit is essentially a Redemptor Dread that was hollowed out, had a healthy dude put inside, and had a roll-cage bolted onto the front. As far as weapons go, it looks like there might be four heavy stubbers on the model.

But it doesn’t seem like the Imperium’s smartest idea to dedicate two heavy stubbers to a whole battlesuit arm. Our hope is that these are an all-new weapon that Primaris is going to take full advantage of.

Primaris Impulsor

primaris impulsor

The Imperium took a Rhino chassis and rolled it through the ol’ grav-tech factory bringing us the Impulsor. The Impulsor is running a handful of the same weapons spotted on the Invictor Warsuit. However, it’s also got some side-sponsons Bolters for some added dakka. The best part about this model is that this is the first Primaris Dedicated Transport. Keep your fingers crossed on the points cost for this puppy!

Primaris Reiver Lieutenant

primaris reiver

Spotted on the Primaris Lieutenant Twitter account, a new character-looking Reiver Lieutenant was unblurred. This model comes from the video we saw a while back showcasing a whole slew of blurred-out Primaris models.



primaris lieutenant

With multiple previews on this character, it looks like a Reiver Lieutenant is on the way! Now, you’ll be able to keep phobos-themed army strong with another Lieutenant model.

Eliminator Squads

eliminator squad 2

Moving into the stuff first spotted out of Shadowspear, Eliminators are getting a kit of their own with a few new sculpts. Plus, the Las-Fusils spotted in the Apocalypse datasheet are going to be a 40k weapon option as well.

Infiltrator Squads

primaris infiltrator

In the same vein, Infiltrator squads are getting their own kit as well. These guys are making a name for themselves in 8th edition’s meta and now, the Infiltrators might be getting more sculpts (and maybe more weapon options).

Kor’sarro Khan

kor'sarro khan

Finally, the first White Scars model we’ve seen in the midst of all their support rumors is Kor’sarro Khan Primarisized! We don’t know if he’ll be keeping his bike now that he crossed the Rubicon Primaris, but here’s to hoping that the Chapter built on speed will be able to keep it!

Don’t forget there is actually one more new primaris model headed our way soon as well:

new iron hands primaris space marine spotted

We think it’s safe to say the wait was worth it! This named Iron Father will be hitting shelves (and your opponents) later this year…

Rather unexpectedly, the Iron Hands got a named Primaris character coming to their faction. This took us by surprise for the fact that GW decided to show love to a very minor chapter in 40k. Makes a strong case for Iron Hands getting their own book in the latest preview.

What are your thoughts on all the new Space Marine support on the way? Which kits will you be wanting to grab first? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!