The Blood Angels Captain You’ve Never Heard Of

leonatos bloodquest exilesWith Blood Angels rules hot off Psychic Awakening, we thought it would be nice to blow the dust off this flashback from Bloodquest!

We’ll be taking a look at Leonatos, who was featured in a comic strip series called Bloodquest back in the 1990s. This series introduced all sorts of fluff for the Blood Angels to expand on. The whole backstory of Bloodquest is that Captain Leonatos lost the Blade Encarmine to a bunch of Chaos-fueled Orks, and…you guessed it, had to go back and get it from them.

Blowing the Dust off Captain Leonatos in Bloodquest




GW expanded the story over a few years and printed it in softcover and hardback. If you haven’t ever read this and are a fan of Blood Angels, this is an awesome piece you might want to get your hands on. It was also pretty much the springboard for the black library. The artwork was decent and it told a gripping story!052716-Leonatos-173

Back in the day, you could actually use the Leonatos mini on the tabletop and he even came with his own certificate of ownership. He was particularly good because you could bring the Blade Encarmine, which ignored all armor saves. He had a couple of different rules, like an iron halo, as well.

Bloodquest Miniature Painted Showcase


Mini’s painted by Bobby Wong

In the 4th edition book, they show Leonatos’ honor guard, which someone converted up to be their kill team!

052716-Leonatos-175Bobby Wong won the Golden Demon/Slayer Sword with his version of Leonatos in 2002. Coincidentally that was a huge springboard for Vallejo Paint because then, everyone was wondering what paints he used. Which Bobby used all their colors for these guys and those paints ended up taking the hobby by storm.

Everyone literally lost their minds. All we had back then were Citadel and Apple Barrel paints. It’s so weird how everything seems to be so interconnected at some point in this hobby.


Mini’s painted by Bobby Wong

This miniature and it’s quality of painting was definitely ahead of its time! If you want to check out even more on Bloodquest and Captain Leonatos, we’ve got a video here for you below:

Bloodquest & Captain Leonatos 40k Flashback RETRO 

Do you remember Bloodquest and Captain Leonatos from back in the day? Did you ever manage to get your hands on a model? What’s your favorite Blood Angels book to date?

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