BREAKING: New Armiger & Dock Pics Spotted

By Rob Baer | May 26th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Armiger Warglaives

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s big reveal of Sir Hekhtur more breaking images have just been spotted for the Helverin Armiger and the Knight Dock terrain piece.

Imperial Knights 2018 Release

We already know there are GIANT FREAKING ROBOTS on the way with their very own codex from the announcement at Adepticon this year.

Castellan Knight New

Knight Castellan 


Scanner has been hinting there may be a lot more meat to the Imperial Knights codex that people have been expecting. However, these are just rumors of what may be on the way rules-wise for the Imperial Knights in 8th Edition:

knight wal hor


New Knight Images

These we just spotted on imgur, and are already making the rounds.

From the looks of this close-up, the Helverin will be getting some long-range firepower.

Codex fixes two problems with the Armiger, high points and weak to hordes in combat. Both new Armigers will cost less that a leman russ, and chainreaper will gain a multi-attack ability.  Helverin gets dakka that taken over several models leaves any other walker’s firepower in the dust.

Is this the terrain piece that can repair, reload and max out weapon shots that we had been hearing rumors of?

If so it looks like a tech priest can also be close enough (and relatively safe enough) to also help repair a knight as well!

No “official” word on the release date for Imperial Knights, however, we know the new Rogue Trader box is on the horizon, as well as Age of Sigmar 2.0 for June.  Sources have told us the Knight Codex will drop by the middle of June.

Are you looking forward to the upcoming Imperial Knight Codex and some GIANT FREAKING ROBOTS? Check out the latest on the Knights and what everyone is saying about these rumors over on our Facebook Hobbies Group.

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