Forge Guard Creature Caster Unboxing

Orc Feature creature casterCreature Caster is at it again with some stunning Orktober minis- check out our unboxing & build of the Forge Guard.

From big to small, Creature Caster is known far and wide for its stunning minis. This time around, they are tackling Orktober with a really amazing Forge Guard model! If you remember, last year they gave us the Orc Forge Lord, now we’re getting his bodyguard. Let’s see what Rob’s first impressions are as he breaks it down!

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Forge Guard Creature Caster Unboxing

Creature Caster SiteWhen the mini does go up for sale, you’ll be able to find it right here on the main page of their site. It’s like Rob gets minis early to review or something… It’s also pretty crazy how fast he gets stuff from them, considering he’s on the East Coast and they’re on the West Coast of Canada. Recently he has been getting stuff in like 2-3 days, not bad at all.

If you like the look of the Kings of Malifca however, you can go check out our unboxing of them here!

Last Year’s Orktober Mini

Forge Lord orcLast year’s mini was really cool and he ran $42, so we assume this one will be a similar price but we don’t really know. If you want to check him out, you can here.

The Forge Guard however is up for sale on their site right now! 

The Pieces

Forge Guard BoxWhenever you order something from Creature Caster it comes in a really cool custom box with a sticker on the back saying what it is. They also wrap all the pieces in nice bubble wrap packages.

Forge Guard PiecesAll the pieces to the mini laid out! Right away you can tell how high-quality the resin is and how detailed the pieces are.



Ork Shield


Orc body


Blaster PistolWhen you get close up on the bits they all look amazing. They also give you a few options so if you want a pistol, hammer, drill they have you covered! Also, as a guard, he has to have a giant shield! If you need help assembling any of their stuff, they have all the instructions on their site or Instagram.

Completed Mini

Completed mini Forge Guard


Completed mini Forge Guard 3


Completed mini Forge Guard 2It went together pretty quickly and easily. They even put a recessed notch in the base for the shield and his feet also have places to go. There are a ton of cool little details everywhere as well. Like the Bane head mask, the chains across the front, the drill arm, and the motor keeping everything running.

Size Comparisons

Orc to Death ComparisonHe towers over the poor Guardsman, but that won’t stop him from fixing bayonets and charging!

Primaris comparisonHe’s about the same size as the Primaris makes sense for such a hulking brute!

That does it for this one! Rob isn’t sure if they are going to make a full line of these or just a one-off mini for Orktober. Looks like this should be up soon, October 12th according to their Instagram.

Get Your Creature Caster Models Here

What do you think of Creature Caster’s newest models?

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