Forge World Custodes Kits Coming To 40k

By Juan Lopez | January 21st, 2018 | Categories: Adeptus Custodes, Warhammer 40k News

plastic adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k

Are you ready for a new codex with a whole lot of gold? Come check out all our reviews of Adeptus Custodes kits from Forge World that look to be coming to 40k soon!

We know it’s official that more plastic Custodes kits are on the way soon. What you may not know is that Games Workshop seemed to hint at the fact that their huge line of Legio Custodes models from their 30k Horus Heresy line would be getting rules in 40k now, alongside their plastic cousins and their new offerings in 8th Edition.

Finally, if you’ve already got a sizeable collection of  Forge World Legio Custodes, rules are on their way for you to use your favourite units in Warhammer 40,000, in addition to the huge range of new plastic kits.

Whether you are a veteran or a fledgling Adeptus Custodes fan, you might be looking to expand your collection right now with all this news of new models that are on the way. So here’s a look at all of the reviews Rob has done on the kits we’ve seen produced in resin thus far from Forge World!

Legio Custodes Aquilon Terminators: Unboxed

custodes 5Custodes rarely deployed Aquilon Terminator Sodalites except in times of extreme need. Those times, it seems, are now from Forge World.

Custodes Imperial Knight Upgrade Bits: Review

custode talons war hor

The Adeptus Custodes have a new weapon to field: the mighty Custodes Imperial Knight. Protecting the Emperor from the forces of Chaos has never been easier!

Custodes Main Battle Tank Forge World Unboxing

Caladius Annihilator

Those masterminds at Forge World are at it again.  Adding yet another amazing model the ranks of the Adeptus Custodes army!

GW’s Biggest Dreadnought Yet? Telemon Unboxed

telemon big

Forge World is at it again, this time they’ve brought us the amazing new Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought. Come get a closer look.

Custodes Get Guns? Sagittarum Upgrade Set Unboxed

valdor custodes wal horz

Welcome back 40K maniacs!  Today Rob is unboxing the awesome new Horus Heresy upgrade kit for the Adeptus Custodes, the Sagittarum Guard!

Better Than A Land Raider? Custodes Grav-Carrier: Unboxing


Welcome warhammer 40K Fanatics! Today Rob is unboxing the amazing new Legio Custodes Coronus Grav-Carrier from Forgeworld!

Is This the Coolest Looking Contemptor? Achillus – UNBOXING


Welcome back hobby fans, today Rob is unboxing the amazing new Legio Custodes Contemptor Achillus Dreadnought from Forge World!

Forge World Exclusive Miniature – Tribune Ixion Hale Unboxing

ixion hale unboxing forge world

Don’t miss our unboxing of the Forge World’s Legio Custodes Tribune Ixion Hale miniature that was available exclusively at Adepticon 2017!

Grav Attack – Unboxing The Custodes Land Speeder!

Custodes Pallas Grav Tank

Welcome to another Forgeworld unboxing video with our very own Rob Baer! Today we’re unboxing the brand new Legio Custodes Pallas Grav-attack!

How Cool is the New Legio Custodes Galatus Contemptor?

Galatus Dreadnaught

Welcome back Hobby fans, today Rob has another exciting Forgeworld unboxing for us, the Legio Custodes Contemptor Galatus Dreadnought!

Are you going to be expanding your Adeptus Custodes army with some of the Forge World kits? Let us know in the comments below.

plastic adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k

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