GW Announces Date For New 40k Saga of the Beast PREVIEWS!

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka orks wal horWe’ve got an official date to look forward to for the next Psychic Awakening Saga of the Beast previews. Check out what’s just ahead and what it could mean.

If you look on Warhammer Community’s website, they have a brand new banner telling users to “check back on March 9th”. This looks like the first official preview date for what we assume will be an announcement of the release of 40k’s Saga of the Beast.

But there is something else big right around the corner too…

March 9th: Saga of the Beasts Reveal Date Spotted & More

wolf vs beast bannerIf you’ve been keeping track, you’ll know that we’ve been seeing a growing rise in short stories of Space Wolves hunting down Ragnar, a Deathwatch Space Wolf leaving his company to help fight the coming war with his home Chapter, and a massive Waaagh! that hasn’t been seen for thousands of years being led by Ghazghkull.

Huge FFG Sale: Over 50% Off Star Wars & More!

ragnar blackmane vs orksPlus GAMA is just around the corner and falling on the very day that WHC is telling us to check back with them for The Wolf Vs. The Beast. And what’s a better way to start off a massive gaming expo than even more previews for the next Psychic Awakening book?

Gama Expo 2020

gama 2020 walThis year’s GAMA is from March 9th-12th and will be held in Reno, Nevada. With nights full of games as well as over 150 booths loaded with hobby and tabletop goodies, this event is already looking solid. But if there is a GW preview at GAMA 2020, that just adds even more hype.

With this just around the corner (and more importantly just weeks before Adepticon), it leaves us scratching our head as to what we might be seeing revealed, (and what GW will be saving for Adepticon).

Going over some of the more anticipated releases that we know are coming, here’s what’s on the table.

saga of the beast psychic awakening

If Saga of the Beast is Previewed at GAMA, it Could Hit Pre-Order Before Adepticon

Space Wolves Space Marine Ragnar hor walFrom a logical standpoint, Saga of the Beast will more than likely go on pre-order for the 21st of March (the week before Adepticon). While Adepticon is the biggest wargaming gaming convention, it wouldn’t be too smart to have a massive meta-shifting release hit the shelves while tons of people are occupied at a convention for a week.

On that note, we’re more than likely going to be seeing all the Saga of the Beast stuff drop a week before Adepticon, leaving the event open for all sorts of new previews to cover. -Mainly stuff that we’re guessing we haven’t seen or heard any rumors of before.

And if you haven’t already seen it, we’re expecting about two hours straight of nothing but GW announcements…

Looking Ahead to Adepticon 2020

adepticon 2020 walAs we’ve said, Adepticon is just around the corner. And if you didn’t know, Adepticon the biggest of all tabletop wargaming. With the event rapidly approaching, we’re already starting to get an idea of what’s in store for us.

Coming from Adepticon’s website, they had this to say- specifically on the Warhammer (Games Workshop) preview.

  • It’s the Biggest Warhammer Preview… EVER!
    More of you will be able to attend this Warhammer Preview live than ever before… but that’s not the half of it. We have so much cool stuff to show you in this preview that it’s going to Blow. Your. Mind.
  • So. Much. Stuff.
    There is SO much new, shiny excitement to cram into this preview that we reckon you’ll have two hours of new Warhammer coming at you. You might want to take notes so you remember it all at the end – and bring snacks!
  • It’s For Every Warhammer Fan
    The seminar will include some big news for Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 fans. There’ll also be news from our other Warhammer games, including Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress and Warcry.
  • It Goes Beyond the Tabletop
    This Warhammer Preview will include a look at some of the exciting ways you’ll be seeing Warhammer on your screens soon. In fact, you’ll be the first people in the world outside of the creators to see some of this!
  • It’s Free – But You Need a Ticket!
    Admittance to the preview is already covered by your AdeptiCon ticket – you won’t have to pay anything extra. You will, however, need to guarantee you get a place by registering. Spaces are limited, and most of them have already gone – so make sure you order your Warhammer Preview ticket through your AdeptiCon cart.

Huge FFG Sale: Over 50% Off Star Wars & More!

Now that we have a rough clock to go off of, will you be hobbying on your Orks and Space Wolves harder than before? Do you think some kind of Box Set will come alongside the book? What would you like to see Ghaz’s new statline look like?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!