Your guide to latest Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate Update, including points changes from the MFM, FAQs, and Rules Commentary for 2024 and 2025.
Updated March 12th, 2025, by Rob Baer. This post has been updated with the latest points, Balance Dataslate, and Warhammer 40k rules FAQ updates from Games Workshop for the Aeldari and more.
GW released another 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate for March 2025, 9the fourth month in a row since the December 2024 update.) Coupled with big changes already in the Munitorum Field Manual updated points costs, a big Daemons update, and new detachments for the Orks, Custodes, and Tau, some factions are already soaring to new heights while others are licking their wounds.
Four Back To Back Updates
Whether you’re looking for the winners to celebrate or the losers to commiserate, this guide has everything you need to stay ahead of the meta and make the most of the latest updates for Warhammer 40k now!
Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate Update Summary 2024, 2025
The armies at the top of the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k meta are once again getting some severe NERFS, while the underperforming armies are getting some love. If you’ve been underwhelmed with your army lately, these latest changes might be what you were waiting for. If you’re wondering when the next Balance Dataslate for Warhammer 40k will be, it looks to be coming in June of 2025.
- In March 2025,Games Workshop changed points, added new detachments, and updated the Balance Dataslate, just as most of the rumors suggested.
- February 2025: Games Workshop updated the points, issued a FAQ, and made a new balance dataslate document (Version 2.1) primarily for the Aeldari release.
- January 2025: GW dropped points changes for the upcoming Imperial Gaurd codex, Grotmas detachment changes, and some minor tweaks to Daemons, Tau, and Dark Angels in their latest Balance Dataslate update.
- December 2024, 2025: Games Workshop dropped a massive Balance Dataslate with big changes to Space Marines, GSC, Adepts Soritas, and more. They also update 24 factions with new Detachment rules each day for Grotmas 2024.
- The latest updates included a small FAQ and changes to points. Plus, Deep striking is no longer allowed within 3″, and AP stratagems got a tune-up!
- November 2024: Games Workshop issued a new FAQ ahead of the World Championships of Warhammer and promises another big update soon.
- October 16th, 2024: While a new Warhammer 40k 10th edition Balance Dataslate was not released this quarter, new Munitorium points changes and rules commentary FAQ updates were.
- August 2024: The updated 40k movement rules for the Tacoma US Open tournament are now official for all games!
- June 2024: The third Balance Dataslate for Warhammer 40k was released on June 20th, 2024 (the previous was released in January). Games Workshop has also announced that they will now only be doing 40k Balance Dataslate updates every other quarter (initially, they said every quarter), with points changes every quarter, making January and June the two main Balance Dataslate updates for 2024.
- Prior to June 2024: Major core rule changes included adjustments to Indirect Fire Weapons, Overwatch for Titanic Units, and Movement Pivot Values. The Tank Shock Stratagem was been nerfed, and the usage of Insane Bravery was limited to once per battle, and Devastating Wounds no longer spill over to more than one model.
March 2025 10th Edition 40k Detailed Rules Updates By Faction:
The latest Warhammer 40K Balance Dataslate are here, and as always, it’s shaking things up across the battlefield. Some factions are getting much-needed buffs, while others are feeling the weight of new restrictions. Let’s break down the biggest winners, the units that took a hit, and what it all means for your next game.
Imperial Faction Changes
The Q1 2025 balance update has hit the Imperium factions hard and fast, with points changes across the board and a few key rule tweaks that have left some armies cheering while others scramble to adjust.
Adepta Sororitas: Faith and Fortune Adjusted
The Adepta Sororitas have been struggling, and Games Workshop is throwing them a lifeline. The Miracle Dice mechanic has been tweaked once again (reverted to pre-NERF which lasted all of a couple of months), bringing back the rule that grants a dice each time a unit is destroyed. This should help balance out their reliance on faith-based abilities. A few point drops here and there make the faction a bit more forgiving to play, though they’ll still need smart positioning and tactical patience.
What this means: Expect Sisters players to have more control over key moments in the game, and with a few point drops, they might be dominating. Miracle Dice are powerful, but they still need to be spent wisely.
Adeptus Custodes: The Emperor’s Chosen Get a Reality Check
If you’ve been facing down Custodes lists and thinking, “These guys are a bit much,” you’re not alone. The Blade Champion and Custodian Wardens are getting a points increase, which should make elite-heavy lists a little trickier to build. On top of that, the Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought and Telemon Dreadnought are also seeing cost hikes, thanks to their strong showing in the Solar Spearhead Detachment.
On the flip side, some less-used units like Aleya and Shield Captains are getting slight discounts. This should open up a few more list-building options while keeping Custodes from feeling oppressive.
What this means: Custodes armies will still hit hard, but running the same power picks over and over will be more difficult. Players might start experimenting with different unit combos to stay competitive.
Astra Militarum: Remote Mines and Scion Tactics Adjusted
The Astra Militarum has had a strong showing lately, and this update reins in some of their most effective tools. The Combat Engineers’ Remote Mine now deals D3 Mortal Wounds instead of a flat value, bringing it in line with the Kasrkin Melta Mine. The Bridgehead Strike Detachment also gets a points increase on boosted units, and the Fire Zone Purge rule now adds +1 to Hit instead of +1 to Wound. This change reflects the new Tempestus Scions Storm Trooper ability, which grants re-rolls to wound instead. On top of that, the Firing Hot Stratagem now costs more CP, which makes sense—it was getting out of hand.
What this means: Guard players will need to think twice before spamming mines, and the Bridgehead Strike Detachment won’t be quite as overwhelming. It’s still strong, just not an automatic win condition.
Xenos Faction Changes
The Q1 2025 balance update for Warhammer 40k has brought significant changes to the Xenos factions, with points adjustments and a few major updates that will force players to rethink their strategies.
Aeldari: Asurmen’s Power Dialed Back
Games Workshop dropped a new Aeldari 10th Edition codex FAQ in the last round of changes, shaking things up with new attachment rules and point adjustments that might just make you rethink your army list. But that’s not all; if you liked the Forge World options, it’s time to say goodbye, as most have slipped into Legends territory.
Then, in March, the Aeldari still have plenty of tools to cause headaches, but Asurmen’s Hand of Asuryan ability has been adjusted. Its Anti-Infantry effect now triggers on a 5+, reducing the number of Devastating Wounds flying around. This is a subtle but impactful nerf, keeping Asurmen from deleting entire squads without breaking a sweat.
What this means: Aeldari players will need to work a little harder to get the same results, but they’re still a force to be reckoned with.
Orks: Keeping Da Boyz in Line
Orks are all about organized chaos, but some mechanics were a little too generous. The Lissen ‘Ere rule now forces a Leadership test when units get their tactical orders, making it riskier to rely on multiple stacking buffs.
Meanwhile, Tankbustas now have to see their target before launching Bomb Squigs, and they can only unleash one at a time. No more sending in invisible, exploding critters from across the battlefield. Lastly, they also grabbed a brand new detachment, which is all about giving your Orks more Dakka!
What this means: Orks still bring the fun, but they won’t be pulling off as many unintended combos. Expect a bit more planning when setting up their biggest plays.
Leagues of Votann: Judgement Day Comes a Little Sooner
If you thought the Leagues of Votann weren’t judging you hard enough, think again. The Army Rule now lets players slap two Judgement Tokens on enemy units before the game even starts. This should help Votann armies get rolling a bit faster, making their grudge-fueled firepower more consistent right out of the gate. This also means the new Hearthband detachment will get much stronger, as with a Kahl on the board, you can have three units judged turn one.
To balance things out, the Oathband Detachment starts with fewer pre-marked enemy units (but the same number in total), which keeps things from spiraling out of control too quickly.
What this means: Votann armies won’t have to wait as long to start punishing key targets. Target priority just became even more important.
Chaos Faction Changes
The Q1 2025 balance update has only touched one faction on the Chaos side of things, and the Chaos Daemons are receiving all kinds of changes…
Chaos Daemons: Excess No Longer Comes Free
The Legion of Excess was starting to live up to its name a little too much. The Seductive Gambit rule has been toned down—units no longer get full re-rolls to Hit and Wound outside of Shadow of Chaos. They’ll still be nasty in the right circumstances, but this stops them from steamrolling opponents without effort.
The Thieves of Pain Stratagem also got a small but meaningful tweak: now the unit absorbing the damage has to be visible to the attacker. No more sneaky shenanigans where wounds magically disappear into hidden units. Lastly, the Overwhelming Excess Stratagem loses its Battle-shock effect, but now it gives -1 to Hit in both the Shooting and Fight phases. This makes it a bit more reliable, even if it’s lost a bit of its psychological warfare potential.
What this means: Chaos Daemons still bring the pain, but they have to work a little harder for it. Expect more careful positioning and timing from Daemon players who want to keep their buffs rolling.
Space Marine Rules Changes
The Oath of Moment ability is now explicitly tied to Codex: Space Marines detachments, stopping certain subfactions from bending the rules. Uriel Ventris now only grants Deep Strike to Phobos, Gravis, and Tacticus units, keeping him from enabling unexpected teleportation tricks. And for those sneaky Phobos Lieutenants? Their Strategic Dispersal Rule now prevents them from charging after moving, which was letting them pull off some ridiculous mobility plays.
What this means: Space Marines are still flexible, but some of their most surprising tricks are off the table. Expect a more predictable (but still powerful) game plan. A lot of this is based on the recent January changes, here’s a quick rundown of what changed then.
January 2025 40k Balance Dataslate Update Additions
Back in January, five of the Grotmas detachments got tweaks, and Daemons, Dark Angels, and Tau all got a little glow-up. Time to get list-building and start prepping for the chaos to come—pun absolutely intended
Now, onto the detachment drama! The Grotmas detachments got a shake-up for five factions: Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons, Adeptus Custodes, Chaos Knights, and Thousand Sons. We’ll have the exact details in the FAQ section below.
Daemons of Chaos players got a treat—GW removed all those pesky selection restrictions from the Denizens of the Warp Stratagem. Summoning your favorites just became way easier, so let the chaotic fun begin.
Dark Angels also got a couple of small changes. The Mounted Strategist Enhancement finally made it to the list, and Ravenwing Black Knights and the Command Squad had their melee weapons updated to align with other units carrying the same gear. It’s minor, but it smooths things out.
As for the Tau, they’re feeling a little sharper now. The Bonded Heroes Detachment Rule got an upgrade—units now get extra AP when shooting enemies within 9 inches. It’s a nice little boost for those who like to play aggressive and get up close and personal.
March’s 40k Balance Dataslate Impact on 10th Edition Gameplay & Meta
Competitive Play Implications: Who’s Winning, Who’s Whining?
This dataslate is a game of give and take—some factions are getting the nudge they need to stay relevant, while others are being reined in before they spiral out of control. Adeptus Custodes, who were living the high life, have been knocked down a peg with points increases on their best units. They’ll still be strong, but list-building just got a bit trickier.
Meanwhile, Adepta Sororitas got a Miracle Dice boost and point reductions, which should keep them in the game and maybe let them start breaking back into the top table. Expect Sisters players to get a little more mileage out of their faith-based plays!
Leagues of Votann just got a serious early-game buff with their new Judgement Token rules, meaning they can start punishing key targets right away. Expect to see more Votann lists pushing the tempo, which could shake up the early turns of many matchups.
Chaos Daemons, on the other hand, got their wings clipped. The Legion of Excess detachment is less punishing for opponents now, which means no more free re-rolls to Hit and Wound unless they’re in Shadow of Chaos. It’s a hit, but not one that will send them into the abyss.
Astra Militarum and Orks both got important rule clarifications—Guard players will have to work harder for their Bridgehead Strike Detachment benefits, while Orks can’t launch Bomb Squigs blindly anymore. These changes tone down the more abusable aspects of these factions while keeping them playable.
For Aeldari, Asurmen’s tweak to Devastating Wounds means one of their best units is slightly less terrifying. That being said, Aeldari were already strong, so this is more of a gentle nerf rather than a major hit.
Overall, the meta still favors elite, durable armies, but we might see more variety as players adapt to these shifts. Custodes are still great, but they’re no longer a no-brainer pick. Votann’s early game is stronger, which might make them a surprise contender. And Chaos Daemons will have to be more careful with their buffs.
Casual Play Considerations: More Fun or More Headaches?
For casual players, this dataslate is like your favorite TV show getting a mid-season twist—some parts are exciting, some parts are frustrating, and some leave you wondering, “Why did they mess with that?”
Adepta Sororitas players can breathe a big sigh of relief—getting more Miracle Dice again makes them less of a struggle-fest to play. Orks will have to think before they Squig, but that’s probably for the best. They’ll still be a blast to play, but their rule changes mean you might actually have to measure line of sight instead of just declaring, “DA SQUIG GOES BOOM!”
Leagues of Votann players are probably grinning ear to ear because now their Judgement Tokens hit the board faster. This means more grudge-filled vengeance from turn one, which makes their games feel more impactful right away. For Astra Militarum players, the Remote Mine tweak and Bridgehead Strike changes might feel like unnecessary meddling, but overall, the army still functions well. Expect fewer ridiculous Mortal Wound bombs, but your tanks and infantry are still solid.
Chaos Daemons players might miss their auto-re-roll tricks, but honestly, they were borderline unfair in some matchups anyway. Now, they’ll have to commit more carefully to their big plays, which should make games more interactive for both sides. Space Marines saw small but meaningful changes, mostly focused on stopping weird movement shenanigans and clarifying which detachments actually get Oath of Moment. No huge nerfs, no huge buffs—just tighter rules that make them feel more predictable.
At the end of the day, this dataslate shakes things up without breaking the game. More balance, fewer unintended exploits, and still plenty of room for creative lists. Whether you’re aiming for competitive dominance or just trying to keep your homebrew narrative campaign fair, these changes make sure every faction still has something interesting to play with.
Warhammer 40k Munitorium Field Manual Points Updates Across Factions
One of the most eagerly anticipated aspects of any 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate in 2024, 2025, are the updates to the points. These adjustments can dramatically alter how armies are built and performed on the battlefield.
Rationale Behind 40k Points Changes For Key Units:
The rationale for these 40k points changes is to promote fairness and balance in the game. Units that were previously undercosted and thus overly popular have seen points increases to curb their prevalence and power. Conversely, units that were less effective or underused have had their points reduced, making them more attractive choices for players. You can read more in our Munitorum Field Manual changes article that breaks down each faction in detail.
This latest Warhammer 40k update brings a range of points changes across various factions. The update tweaks a lot of armies, and this is a huge shakeup to the game!
Buffed Factions:
- Adepta Sororitas: Celestian Sacresants, Seraphim, Zephyrim, and Repentia all cheaper.
- Adeptus Custodes – Aleya, Knight-Centura, and Shield-Captains cost less.
- Adeptus Mechanicus – Belisarius Cawl and Tech-Priest Dominus got discounts.
- Chaos Knights – Knight Desecrator, Despoiler, and Tyrant all reduced in cost.
- Chaos Space Marines – Forgefiend and Lord Discordant on Helstalker cost less.
- Drukhari – Wyches and Kabalite Warriors now more affordable.
- Emperor’s Children – Flawless Blades, Daemonettes, and Fiends all cheaper.
- Grey Knights – Interceptor Squads and Purifiers got a points drop.
- Imperial Knights – Castellan and Valiant down by 30 points, so even bigger stompy destruction.
- Thousand Sons – Scarab Occult Terminators got cheaper, meaning more psychic death.
- World Eaters – Daemon Princes, Lords on Juggernauts, and Eightbound are all cheaper.
NERF-ed Factions:
- Aeldari – Dire Avengers, Fire Dragons, and Striking Scorpions cost more.
- Astra Militarum – Cadian Heavy Weapons Squad and Tempestus Scions went up in price.
- Blood Angels – Rage-Fueled Warrior now costs more, because being angry isn’t free.
- Chaos Daemons – Be’lakor got a massive +50 point increase. Then, also received NERFS in the Dataslate.
- Chaos Space Marines – Chaos Predator Annihilator more expensive, because GW hates Chaos shooting.
- Death Guard – Predator Annihilator got pricier.
- Genestealer Cults – Neophyte Hybrids +15 points because inflation affects uprisings too.
- Orks – Tankbusting got more expensive.
- T’au Empire – Kroot Lone-spear and Krootox Rampagers more expensive.
- Tyranids – Exocrine and Tyrannofex got a points hike.
40k Balance Dataslate 10th Edition: Comprehensive FAQs & Clarifications
The latest 10th Edition Balance Dataslate for 2024, 2025 (and Warhammer 40k rules commentary) isn’t just about points and rules changes; it also includes a wealth of FAQs and clarifications. These updates address common questions and ambiguities, ensuring that everyone is playing by the same rules and preventing disputes during games.
March 2025: No Changes
February 2025: Changes
The Aeldari entries in the balance datasheet were removed. Points were updated, and some units were removed. You can see more in our breakdown article here.
January 2025 Changes
Like we said earlier, the Grotmas detachments got a shake-up for five factions: Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons, Adeptus Custodes, Chaos Knights, and Thousand Sons. While the tweaks vary in impact, there’s plenty for each faction’s players to unpack, so let’s break it down:
Adeptus Custodes
The golden boys got a tweak to their Solar Spearhead detachment. The Veteran of the Kataphraktoi stratagem now takes place in the Command Phase, bringing some much-needed clarity. It’s a minor change but keeps things running smoothly—less time arguing, more time flexing your Custodian muscle.
Adeptus Mechanicus
AdMech players, rejoice (or chuckle at GW’s proofreading)! The Haloscreed Battle Clade and Noospheric Transference finally got the Adeptus Mechanicus keyword added. This was probably just a typo, but hey, it’s fixed now, and your battle clade is officially part of the Mechanicus family. Welcome to the fold, little typo!
Chaos Knights
For those stomping around with Chaos Knights, GW cleaned up the wording on the Conoclast Fiefdom and Dark Sacrifice rules. They added the keyword “friendly”, which is a subtle but important fix. Now you can’t trigger abilities off your opponent’s Chaos Knights in a mirror match. It’s like GW reminding you: “Play nice with your own toys, not someone else’s.”
Here’s a fun one: hand flamers got the Pistol keyword added. On the surface, this is just common sense (hand flamers should be pistols, after all), but it also makes them sneakily stronger. Picture this: shooting with your hand flamers while still able to charge into combat. Yep, Deathwatch just got a bit spicier.
The undying legions got a couple of adjustments. For starters, the Starshatter Arsenal and Reactive Reposition now read: “Your unit can make a Normal Move of up to D6″.” It’s a small wording change but clarifies things nicely. Also, Demanding Leader now happens in your Command Phase, bringing the timing in line with other similar abilities. Necrons may be ancient, but now they’re a little more in sync with modern game rules.
Thousand Sons
The Hexwarp Thrallband detachment got a tweak to the Empowered Manifestation ability. It now specifies that you can add up to 6 inches to your range. Translation? You’re no longer obligated to max out the range if you don’t want to. This is basically GW saying, “We get it, sometimes less is more.”
Impact of The Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate 10th Edition
This dataslate isn’t just about numbers—it’s about reshaping narratives. From the rekindled heroics of Codex-compliant Marines to the raucous comeback of Orks, every faction has a story to tell.
The 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate for 2024, and 2025, along with the new points changes, guarantees to keep things exciting (with points changes), balanced, and enjoyable, and your involvement is key to its success.
You can download all the changes here, and we have the updates from June 2024 right here as well. Click the links below for the latest updates from the Warhammer 40k universe and tabletop game!
- Best Warhammer 40k Armies Now
- Free GW Warhammer 40k App Army Builder for 10th Edition
- Full 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Core Rules Book
- Free PDF Download for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k USR Rules
What do you think about all the latest rules and points changes in the Warhammer 40k 10th edition balance dataslate from June, January, and December 2024-25?