GW Christmas Day Preview: All The Warhammer & 40k Advent Engines

gw-previews-new-warhammerA giant Christmas Day 2023 Preview for all things Warhammer was scheduled and dropped all sorts of new releases from GW; here is the latest!

The last time Games Workshop did the Advent Engine preview was in 2021, and they capped it off with a massive Christmas Day preview to show off a bunch of miniatures from the calendar.

In 2021, most of the rumors were for two big battle boxes, Eldritch Omens for 40k and Fury of the Deep for AoS. Then, in 2022, we got a teaser for the new Azrael miniature. The Advent Engine is all over the place this year, so we expect some of these to go unsolved for a while.

Here’s the latest on all the new Warhammer and 40k miniatures Games Workshop previewed over the holiday in 2023.

GW Reveals New Belial & Deathwing Assault Army Launch Box

Table of Contents & Article Summary
new dark angels deathwing assault belial inner circle companions codexThe rumors were true; Belial is returning to master a new Deathwing Assault army launch box set for the Dark Angels alongside more new kits!  Read More

GW Previews What’s Next for Warhammer 40k in 2024

new-gw-releases-happy-guars-man-crispGames Workshop revealed what’s next for Warhammer 40k in 2024 with three new model silhouette teasers for Orks, Custodes, and Kroot. Read More

Warhammer The Old World Launch Boxes Arrive

Warhammer the old world army launch box sets bretonnians tomb kings boxesWarhammer The Old World is returning with two launch army boxes featuring box sets for Tomb Kings and Brettonia, new minis, and rulebooks!  Read More

5 New Miniatures Coming For Age of Sigmar in 2024

Ags-of-Sigmar-New-release-roadmapGames Workshop revealed what’s next for Age of Sigmar 2024 with three new miniatures, including Nighthaunt, Slaves to Darkness, and more. Read More

GW Previews New Miniatures for Horus Heresy in 2024

new horus heresy miniatures for warhammer 40kGames Workshop revealed what’s next for Horus Heresy 2024 with three new miniatures, including a Command Squad and Solar Auxilia.  Read More

A New Games Workshop Christmas Day 2023 Preview?

Christmas Preview

Back in 2021, GW dropped this preview early in the morning on Christmas Day. From the looks of it, this year’s Advent Engine is shaping up to be the same.

However, the previews may not be focused on just a few armies this time. Either way, there’s a chance you want to set your watches and let the families know you might need to take about an hour’s break on Christmas morning!  We have some solid hints for new Death Korps of Krieg, Swooping Hawks, Skaven, Kislev, Chaos, and possibly Death or Slaves to Darkness for AoS.

Which means we have at least some idea of what to expect!  Speaking of revealed, get ready for a big GW Christmas Day 2023 preview for as many as four game systems from Games Workshop.

christmas preview 2023 games workshop

It looks like at least four different videos are uploaded and scheduled on the Warhammer YouTube channel to go live on Christmas Day.   If you love speculating what’s coming next for Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar, this calendar is for you!  

All The Warhammer Christmas Advent Rumor Engines So Far: What’s Most Likely?

final advent 23

The 2020 Advent Engine brought the new Sisters of Battle 9th edition release wave, Cursed City, Soulblight Vampires, Hedonites of Slaanesh, Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, Beastsnagga Orks, Kruleboyz, and Gaunts Ghosts. The last time we got an advent engine was in 2021, and most were linked to Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar.

In 2023, this looks more and more like 2020’s previews, where it’s a lot more mixed, especially compared to the Eldar and Chaos one.  So perhaps we’ll see quite the range of factions represented with new models once all these teasers are fully revealed!

Advent Engine Day 24: Dark & Stormy

advent 2023 day 24

Looking at this bit, it clearly screams Dark Angels. There’s only really one or MAYBE two possibilities. Of course, first is any new Dark Angels model, and the curveball is a new terrain piece.

Primaris Chapter Master Azrael Warhammer 40k Miniature 1

If you don’t know why we are so confident, the newest Azrael mini may shed some light. These hooded figures are pretty exclusive to Dark Angel imagery! It’s also interesting that they revealed Azarael back on Christmas Day 2022.

Advent Engine Day 23: A Last-Minute Gift

advent 2023 day 23While we hope no one wants this for Christmas, the Skaven sure does like this sort of thing! Blue Scribes would fit Chaos Daemons well, but poison is always more of Nurgle’s speed. Of course, it could be a symbol for just death, making some spooky boys under Nagash another possibility!

Skaven Advent Engine 2

Being the symbol of plague and pestilence that they are, Skaven seems like the no-brainer here, but of course, the other three are still possibilities too!

Advent Engine Day 22: Chaos Spikey Bits

Advent Engine Chaos 2Who loves spikes and trim more than the Chaos Space Marines? We can’t think of anyone, and they have slowly been getting most of their line reworked. However, this is always the option for World Eaters, as they only have a small portion of the models an entire faction should. Lastly, who knows? Maybe this is the year we finally get Dark Mechanicum!

Advent Engine Chaos 3

First up, we have the Forgefiend. The rounded back, the spikes, and the age of this model make it a great option. This kit came out over ten years ago, and it would make sense for GW to put out a new model. Especially with Vashtorr out, the daemon engines need some reworks.


Advent Engine Chaos 5The Heldrake is about as old as the Forgefiend and could use a rework. Again, the back piece matches pretty closely with this. While most people aren’t too hyped on flyers right now, this could easily get a new mini.

Advent Engine Chaos 6Last but not least, we expect World eaters to get more minis for their new codex, and maybe this is some Juggernaught? It’s hard to say as the current doesn’t look very similar, but it very well could be.

Advent Engine Day 21: Kislev Returns (boots with the fur)

Kislev Advent Engine 4

This looks like a pretty fancy fur-lined boot. Even better, there is an old Kislev model that matches this exceptionally closely. You can also see in the groin area that this is a pair of bent legs, meaning it’s most likely a cavalry model that is meant to be mounted on top of a horse.

Kislev Advent Engine 2This foot could be either of these old units above. If you ask us, they look more like the Ungol Horse Archers as they don’t have any stirrups, and the boots don’t have any armor. Obviously, it will be reworked a little, so it’s not 100% exact, but it’s about as close as we’ve seen for a rumor engine this far. 

Kislev Advent Engine 3It could also be for a new character on a bear! Especially since GW released updated concept artwork for this back in 2020. While there isn’t much about the boots on this drawing, who doesn’t want to ride a bear into battle?

warhammer old world kislev bears 1

Advent Engine Day 20: A Sword For The Old World

GW Advent Sword

First off, it looks like some armored fist, and there is no real notion of nodes for a power sword. GW has already said the Empire will triumphantly return to Fantasy, and this looks like a perfect weapon for them! However, we won’t rule out Stormcast, as this looks very similar to an existing kit.

Sword Advent Engine 3If you look at the sword in the Vigilor kit, this is very, very similar. It seems strange for them to rework the whole kit, but GW does love to add new units and rework them, so who knows? It could be a new unit, or the Vigilors could just be getting a rework. 

Sword Advent Engine

Plenty of old characters could get a rework with a new sword too. We’re not sure how much of the actual infantry will get a rework, but characters seem an easy way for GW to go and revamp the line.

Sword Advent Engine 2

The Empire had a significant swathe of characters, and honestly, this sword could easily be for any of them. We might have said Great Swords, but they are a newer kit (well, for Fantasy that is), so we’re not sure if they would get a rework right away.

Advent Engine Day 19: Nurgle Spice Rack of Plagues & Potions


Potions GW Advent EngineWell, bells are a staple of Nurgle (both in rat and Maggotkin form), but the rest of those potions look deadly and most likely carry some plagues! Of course, this could also be something for the Nighthaunt faction, like a new character.

Potions GW Advent Engine 3The first option we could see is maybe a reworked Festus The Leechlord! This model is currently in resin and could be a character GW decides to remake. If they do, he might have more vials than ever to give his followers! 

Potions GW Advent Engine 4

While this doesn’t have much to do right now with the Advent Engine, the plague priest is a very old model, and who knows? Maybe on the rework, he gets a shelf full of concoctions!

Advent Rumor Engine Day 18: Here Squiggy

GW Advent Engine 10

Well, we’re going with another two options for this one; we think either a new Squig (and we have a good one picked out) or possibly some kind of new Kroot beast!

GW Advent Engine 11

When you look at the Ork holding the Squig, this model looks a lot like the rumor to us! Gretchin have long wanted a rework to show how awesome they truly are. Unfortunately for them, that would also mean a new Ork leader.

GW Advent Engine 12We’ve heard plenty about Kroot getting an extensive rework, and the head of the rumor engine looks a lot like the Knarloc Riders! Obviously, the tongue is slightly more pronounced, but that seems like something GW would do.

Advent Rumor Engine Day 17: Hooves of Fury

GW Advent Engine 7

Well, a horse can be for a lot of armies, but there are two main ones we have our eyes on!

GW Advent Engine 8

First, the Wood Elves have Wild Riders, and it would just be awesome to see them come back with Warhammer the Old World! As you can see, the back legs don’t have any of the leather, and it would make sense to have them running more with a rework.

GW Advent Engine 9The current Death Riders are pretty static, and they don’t really have the same type of hooves, but who knows? Maybe with plastic DKoK, riders will come with new types of horses! These hooves look similar to the new Rough Riders as well, so could very well be.

Advent Rumor Engine Day 16: Spooky Potions

GW Advent Engine 5

At first glance, this looks very much something like Nighthaunts to us! While it could be something else for the Plague Monks, the hand and arm are so thin that it seems a safe bet to be something for the undead.

GW Advent Engine 6

While we don’t expect them to get a considerable rework (at least from looking at the previous rumor engines), they do periodically get new characters, like the Scripter Mortis above. Maybe we’ll get some new spell caster who can slowly destroy your enemy with potions!

Advent Rumor Engine Day 15: Death Korps of Krieg Get a New Banner

Advent Engine Imperial Guard 3

Well, we’re going to say this looks like a banner to us one way or the other, as these symbols look very Imperial! We’ve seen plenty of Death Korps of Krieg rumors and hints in the Advent Engine, so let’s start with the possibility of a banner for them.

Advent Engine Imperial Guard 2While the current banner doesn’t have the little skull in the bottom left, the skull in the shield looks extremely similar. Plus, how would a new Krieg banner not have a little battle damage on it? This model above is still in resin, and we’ve said if they are redoing Krieg, they would have to redo the Command HQ Squad, and it would need a new banner bearer.

Advent Engine Imperial Guard 4

Or, who knows? Maybe Ursula Creed found her father’s Cadian banner, and it would obviously have severe battle damage on it after all Krell went through at the end. While it doesn’t really look similar, GW doesn’t like to let the idea of Cadia die either…

Advent Rumor Engine Day 14: Yarrick is Returning (hopefully)!

Yarrick GW Advent Engine

While a boltgun could clearly be for a ton of factions for the Imperium, there are a few huge clues to Yarrick.

Yarrick GW Advent Engine 3

While his bolter has a wreath around it, basically everything else about this looks very similar. Plus, as we said, GW more or less promised Yarrick is coming back at some point, and with the other rumors we’ve already seen for Guard in this Calendar, it’s possible.

Yarrick GW Advent EngineWhen you get up close and personal with the bolter, the double barrel, the double clip, and the strap all look so similar! Obviously, it’s getting a facelift, but if you ask us, this is Yarrick’s bolter! We might be a little blindsided by the possibility, but the fun art of these is hoping for the minis you want.

Commissar Yorrick 2Could it be that he isn’t dead at all? The Imperium has a proud history of factual creativity, and after the supposed-but-not-actual death of Marneus Calgar on Vigilus boosted morale, it’s entirely possible they’re trying it on again. Another heroic martyrdom to put the fire of vengeance into the hearts of mankind – if only a powerful organisation with hilariously flexible morals could arrange such a thing…

Or perhaps the galaxy’s most enthusiastic history buff has given Yarrick new purpose… as a museum exhibit. He’d be the perfect capstone to any display of classic Steel Legion models, after all. One thing’s for sure – with the Old Man of Armageddon absent from the new Codex: Astra Militarum, the truth will elude us for now. 

Could Be a Belial Rework

GW Advent Engine 3Well, we know Deathwing will be getting new models (along with Asmodai), so it would also make sense for Belail to get a rework. He has a very similar Bolter, but the gun in the Advent Engine doesn’t have the broken sword motif, which is a pretty big deal. With a reworked model, though, it’s not impossible for GW to change things up a bit…

Advent Rumor Engine Day 13: That Skaven Has a Grenade!

Skaven Advent Engine

As we said, Skaven has appeared a lot already on this calendar, and they very much like to use bombs / grenades! They already have a unit throwing them; however, just like all their other miniatures, they are a bit dated and could all probably use a rework (even though they are still fantastic models).

Skaven Advent Engine 2

The Skryre Acolyte has been a shining model for a long time, and we mean shining because they are still metal! While they do look fantastic, we could easily see them getting a rework alongside all the other possible Plague Monk stuff. Plus, it seems crazy that GW still has an army in AoS with this many metal models! Perhaps this might be the time they finally rid of all the metal options for Skaven.

Skaven Advent Engine 3

Next up, these are also quite old, and the rumor looks more like a bomb than an orb, so is there a chance we get new Plague Monks and reworked Night Runners with bombs?

Skaven Advent Engine 4

Last, the Arch-Warlock is still also a metal model, and while the rumor doesn’t really match the current mini, who really knows how they could rework it?

Advent Rumor Engine Day 12: Gretchin or Flagellants?

Advent Rumor Engine 7

Well, there are a few key clues here: the small arm (well, for how buff everyone in the game is), a chain hanging, and the angle of the miniature. It could be for AoS, as it doesn’t seem too techy.

But who doesn’t want more Orks?

New GW Advent EngineIf you look at the Gretchin, he matches a lot of the clues. The nails look a lot different, but other than that, the angle, the chain, and the size of the arm all look pretty spot on. Plus, this is a fairly old miniature and could definitely use a rework. Especially considering this is finecast, and GW is trying to eliminate that, we could easily see a rework!

Maybe the new lighting bolt nail will help siphon the powers of the WAAAAGH better.

New GW Advent Engine 2Alright, now that we covered the entertaining option, this one might be a little more possible. Flagellants for the Empire are getting a new kit! If you look at the chain, the hands, and the weapon, we wouldn’t be surprised to see them get a reworked kit for the Warhammer The Old World.

Advent Rumor Engine Day 11: A Sheathed Sword

Advent Rumor Engine

So, this could easily be for new Bretonnians, the Imperial Guard, or a lot of AoS armies! Honestly, buckles like this are seen across almost any game, but new Bretonnians and Empire would be awesome!

Regardless, this does look similar to a famous Empire unit:

Advent Rumor Engine 2

If you see the hilts of the swords (with a skull), they match pretty closely to the rumor engine and could easily be a rework of the classic kit. However, this is already a plastic kit, so they might not bother.

Advent Rumor Engine Day 10: Space Elf Wings

Advent Rumor Engine 3

Let’s be honest; this looks quite like something for Eldar or Drukhari! We’ve been hearing rumors for a long time about more new Eldar and even rumors of Drukhari. While some people are saying it’s going to be for the Exodites, and even though we’ve heard some rumors about it, we’re not sure if that’s coming any time soon.

Advent Rumor Engine 4

The Warp Spiders are slated (in rumors, at least) to be getting a rework. It would make sense since they are redoing all the Aspect Warriors. This could be a new way they take the backpacks, maybe further from the bulky current look and something a little newer and slimmer.

Advent Rumor Engine Day 9: The Plague Spreads

Advent Rumor Engine 5We have already seen some Rumor Engines that look a lot like Plague Monks getting new minis. If you ask us, this seems like something else for them and a very famous unit!

Advent Rumor Engine 6Plague Censer Bearers are such a cool concept and unit, but the models are… let’s say, vintage. If the Plague side of Skaven is getting a significant rework, they would almost have to redo these rats! With so many years since these were made, the new ones could look amazing. 

Advent Rumor Engine Day 8: A Servo-Skull Appears

2023 Advent Rumor Engine 2

Well, this could obviously be for almost any Imperial unit… but we’ve seen a decent number of rumors for what looks to be Death Korps of Krieg! This could easily be the little companion to the command squad or even resting on his shoulder.

Obviously, Inquisitors do love their servo-skulls, so it could obviously be that.

Advent Engine Death Korps of Krieg 6

For the Krieg option, if they are getting reworked, you need a new command squad, and we already have a candidate for a new banner; now, we might have a hint for a new leader!

2023 Advent Rumor Engine 3

The Scions already have a character with a servo-skull on his shoulder, so there’s a chance this could be something for them as well.2023 Advent Rumor Engine 4

The Navy Breachers already have a servo-skull with them, so maybe we’ll be seeing another expansion to the Agents of the Imperium with a whole new unit!

Day 7: The Engine of War

GW Advent Rumor Engine 2

Well, this is obviously some kind of bolt thrower, catapult, or an engine of war! That means it could be tons of factions in AoS or almost any army in the Warhammer The Old World.

GW Advent Rumor Engine 3

This is probably wish listing, but who wouldn’t want to see the Doom Diver make a triumphant return with a new model? This is one of the most iconic miniatures for goblins in fantasy, and while we really don’t know how much they will update, this would be awesome.

GW Advent Rumor Engine 4

Considering yesterday’s Advent Engine was almost certainly a Skaven Plague Monk, there’s also a chance this is getting remade as well!

Day 6: New Skaven Plague Monks?

GW's New Advent Rumor Engine 2

Well, it looks pretty obvious to be something for Nurgle, and GW even mentioned a sticky book. While it could always be Maggotkin, that arm and nails look much more like a rat to us!

Plus, they need an update badly, and maybe we’ll get a huge resurgence of Plague Monks!

GW's New Advent Rumor Engine 3

The Plague Priest is already modeled very similarly to the rumor, and he’s holding a book! It wouldn’t be too hard to imagine this super old would get a rework.

Obviously, this could just be for Maggotkin, but when you compare the hands of the models, they look almost identical to the existing models.

GW's New Advent Rumor Engine 4

Even the regular Plague Monks have a model holding a book. Who would have guessed the rats are more literate than Maggotkin? Either way, this could be great news for all you Skaven lovers out there!

Day 5: The Branch of Justice!

Advent Engine Sylvaneth 2

If you ask us, this has an AoS feel and, more specifically, looks a lot like something for the protectors of the forests. However, it is pretty generic and could always be something on the base of a Catachan model!

Advent Engine Sylvaneth 3

The Branchwraith is a very old model, so it would make sense for them to update it and make it fit more in line with the rest of the newer models for the army!

But honestly, with something as simple as a branch, it could be basically anything for Sylvaneth, but the Branchwraith is one of the oldest minis in the line.

Technically, this model used to be Drycha until her glow-up to plastic for the Age of Sigmar.

catachan colonel alternate head 2The Catachan Colonel came out a few years back, but he has a big branch on his base. Maybe this is somehow a giant hint towards a rework of the Catachans!

It’s not the best thing to go off, but it would be amazing to see a Catachan rework.

Day 4: A Smooth Coat

Advent Engine Death Korps of Krieg 9If you ask us, this has an AoS feel and, more specifically, looks a lot like something for the Soulblight Gravelords.

Advent Engine Death Korps of Krieg 10

They have plenty of characters with fur coats, and GW regularly gives them new characters, so it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see another pop-up sometime after Christmas! Perhaps it is even the man, the myth, the legend, Inquisitor Cotaez himself?

Day 3: Krieg Making a Mine Field?

Advent Engine Death Korps of Krieg 2Well, the minefield part is pretty obvious, as the sign just straight-up says it! However, who would use it? Who are masters of trench warfare in 40k? It all points to Krieg!

On the official Facebook page, someone even said Sappers for Krieg, and GW answered, we like your style. This one seems more obvious than some previous rumors if you ask us.

We’ve heard rumors for a really long time for DKoK, and after their Kill Team came out, the rumors only intensified.

Advent Engine Death Korps of Krieg 3

They currently have the Engineers but in resin. So, we could easily see them rework this kit into less of a mining group and more of actual sappers who put down minefields on the battlefield to protect your units of guard from advancing enemies!

Day 2: Krieg or Black Templars?

Advent Engine Death Korps of Krieg 4

This one is a little more generic, as a decent amount of factions use the symbol. However, we think it would be mainly for two different factions, Black Templars and DKoK!

Advent Engine Death Korps of Krieg 5

If it is for Black Templars, they already have insane banners with full skeletons, so it wouldn’t be too crazy to see another hero cross the Primaris Rubicon!

Advent Engine Death Korps of Krieg 6

For the Krieg option, if they are getting reworked, you need a new command squad, and the banner looks like a good candidate for this, or maybe it’s just another marker to denote where your bombs are!

On Bladed Wings: 2023 Advent Rumor Engine Day 1

GW Advent Engine 2

We sent our bravest (or newest) team members into the lair of the Rumour Engine to leave offerings of milk and cookies, and beseech it for teasers of miniatures yet to come. And lo, this morning we awoke to find a twisted tree, bedecked with fairy lights, unblinking daemonic eyes, and enough glittering baubles to give you a peek at forthcoming delights every day until Christmas.

Gaze upon the terrifying majesty of the Advent Engine, and its magnificent first reveal.

Well, there are really three main options for 40k with this one. We’ve heard rumors of Dark Eldar getting a rework, Tau Vespid, and Swooping Hawks!  Perhaps it is even a Psyber-Eagle for the Inquisition…

swooping hawkWith that said, this looks more like Aeldari to us than it does like a Vespid wing. We’ve heard rumors about new Swooping Hawks for a while now, and their models are old and still finecast.

This could always be new scourges, but the Swooping Hawks are much older and could use a rework much more. Plus, the rumor mill has been going crazy for Eldar (read the swooping Hawks rumors here), so that will be our guess, but we could always be wrong!

Their rumors are also tied to a Kill Team box, which would make sense for the new year.


Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

Could this new GW Rumor Engine be the new Death Korps of Krieg or something else?