GW Releases FREE Adeptus Custodes 40k Points Changes

GW released all the new Adeptus Custodes 40k Points changes from Chapter Approved 2022 for free- check them out!

It looks like the majority of the rumors were true when it comes to points changes as images from Chapter Approved 2022 have begun to surface. Hopefully, you liked the way the points looked because the majority of them are the same as the rumors we saw previously here.

You can download the new points changes for yourself here, but let’s break them down some below and see what Games Workshop has to say about them as well.

Codex Adeptus Custodes

If you are curious about the recent Custodes vs GSC Army box itself, you can check the contents and values here. For now, let’s get into the points.

Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition 40k Points Changes

Here are the big points changes for just the Games Workshop plastic products.

adeptus custodes points highlights

Misericordias are now free for all! These exquisite blades are awarded to Custodians as a symbol of the Magisterium Lex Ultima,* which places them above any law save the Emperor’s will. In the endless war of the 41st Millenium, these weapons are used to deliver the Emperor’s Peace to mortally wounded foes.

Multiple HQ choices are enjoying a discount, including Valerian and Trajann Valoris himself. If you want to deliver your Custodes to the front lines in style you’ll be happy to see that Venerable Land Raiders and the sleek Coronus Grav-Carrier are falling in price by 20 and 30 points respectively.

While the Games workshop PDF is nice, it, unfortunately, isn’t the same as the points changes that will appear in Chapter Approved 2022, which have already been spotted:

Custodes Points 2

3dartguy ruler cropClick Here To Get The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

We were hoping they would put the Agamatus points down, but at least they didn’t go up. The Orion and Ares both went down 50 points each, so we might see more of them on the tabletop.  Lastly, it also looks like the Telemon went down 20 points, so pretty surprising and decent there. There are some increases and drops, but nothing too insane overall for Forge World stuff.

Adeptus Custodes Codex Points Changes

  • Blade Champion +10

  • Shield Captain -5

  • Allarus Captain -10

  • Valerian -10

  • Allarus Terminators -5 per model

  • Vertus Bikes -5 per model

  • Land Raider -20

  • Trajann -10

  • Bike Captain -10

Forge World Adeptus Custodes Points Changes

  • Telemon -20
  • Aquilon Terminators -5 ppm

  • Orion & Ares -50
  • Coronus Grav-carrier -30

Misericordia’s for free on everyone except Sagittarum Guard.

Is It Still Worth Playing Adeptus Custodes?

blade champion black background

Yeah absolutely, the new Blade Champion looks like a fantastic option for his points and his raw melee power. He’s basically only 5 points more than a Shield-Captain once you give them a shield. Trajann going down 10 points is huge, considering he lost a large chunk of his survivability.

Still, we’ll have to see if he is worth the points while losing some of his perks.

Now while some folks will be upset by the immediate “invalidation” of yet another in print Games Workshop book, it’s worth mentioning that this Codex, in theory, is being released way later than originally intended. So it is “butting up” so to speak against the new twice-yearly GT updates.

Plus GW put out the new Adeptus Custodes points changes for free as well, so that was a nice touch.  Updates in general for any game are just good business. That being said it also seems like in 2022 GW will have their hands full trying to monetize these updates while getting hobbyists to adopt their new DLC style pay-to-play path to market.

Here’s all the latest on the Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k

What do you think about the new points changes for Adeptus Custodes?

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