GW Reveals New Tzeentch Daemon Rules

Lord of change tzeentch

Games Workshop is giving us another teaser from the Chaos Daemons codex. Come take a look at some of the rules from the Tzeentch Daemons.

Games Workshop has already previewed some of the new Chaos Daemons codex and today we’re getting a closer look at the Tzeentch Daemons. Let’s check out some of their new rules and see what GW had to say about them.

Tzeentch Locus of Trickery

The Locus of Trickery is going to be a great way to make your opponent fail hit rolls. You’ll roll two dice at the start of each Fight phase, discard the highest result, and any time your opponent’s dice matches this result, while attacking a Tzeentch Daemon unit within 6″ of a model with this Locus, the hit fails. This takes place after re-rolls but before modifiers.

Tzeentch Locus of Conjuration

The Locus of Conjuration is a Stratagem that is used at the start of your Psychic phase. You choose a Tzeentch Daemon Character and any friendly Tzeentch Daemon units within 6″ from it can re-roll any failed Psychic tests. This effect lasts until the end of your Psychic phase.

Tzeentch Flickering Flames

Tzeentch will also be getting a new psychic power, Flickering Flames. It has a warp charge value of 5 and if successful you’ll choose a friendly Tzeentch Daemon unit with 18″ of the psyker. That unit will get a +1 to wound for shooting weapons until your next Psychic phase.

Tzeentch The Impossible Robe

The Impossible Robe can only be worn on Tzeentch model. The wearer will have a 4+ invulnerable save, and once per game you’ll be able to re-roll a single failed saving throw for the wearer. However, if your re-roll is a 1 the wearer is immediately slain. Talk about gambling with you life.

These new rules are making Tzeentch seem like they are getting a very nice update with these new rules. But will it be enough?

Chaos Daemons Codex

There’s a total of 24 Warlord Traits in the new codex, so we’re curious to see what Games Workshop will show us next. Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates.

What do you think about the latest Tzeentch Daemons teaser? Are you going to be cleaning the dust off your Tzeentch with the release of the new codex?

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