GW Raising Sisters of Battle Prices Substantially For US Customers?

Don’t miss this one! Games Workshop may have accidentally revealed the price of their new plastic Adepta Sororitas Battle Sister squads!

If you haven’t been following along, Warhammer Community announced that they would be giving away a Sisters of Battle army. However, there was some fine print that is definitely worth mentioning.

Make sure you check out all of the previews coming to the army if you haven’t been tracking with us.

Sisters of Battle Rhino- Latest Model revealed

sisters rhino 1

Some of these vehicles are based upon the Mk I Deimos-pattern Rhino Standard Template Construct (STC) and are ancient in origin. The oldest examples are baroque masterpieces, having been reverently maintained and embellished with additional Ecclesiarchal decorations for millennia.

We’ve got an early look at the 3D detailing going into their Rhinos. The Sisters are definitely keeping their classic iconography of the fleur-de-lys.

sister rhino 1

The Sisters are bringing a new level of detail to the Rhino that we’ve never seen before. Things are really starting to look great for the girls!

Sisters of Battle Prices Spotted in Fine Print

Did you take the new Warhammer Community Survey? Hidden in the Survey’s fine print may be clues to the new Sisters pricing based on the prices they mention in the post itself:

This year, as a show of thanks for your feedback, one lucky participant will win* a plastic Sisters of Battle army once they’re ready for release! 10 more will win themselves a squad of the new plastic Battle Sisters.

fine print

Before we jump into the pricing, it’s important to note that Canadians will have to go through one last step before they can get their prize. If you live in Canada, be prepared to answer a skill-testing question before your package comes to you. But now, let’s take a closer look at the values in here.

sister of battle plastic


The grand prize is an entire Sisters of Battle army (worth £250). We don’t know exactly what the army contents will be but we are going to assume it would be a Battalion at the very least. There are also 10 smaller prizes worth £35 each which GW Confirmed are the new Sisters squads.



To put things into perspective, a five-man squad of Chaos Terminators costs £35. Using the XE Converter£35 equals about $45 USD. However, because of the arbitrage conversion rate from GW, things that are normally worth £35 on their site actually cost $60.

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That means that we can probably expect to see a ten-man Battle Sisters box go for about $60 once the models actually get released. If that’s the case, they’ll be on the same price level as a ten-man box of Primaris Intercessors. At the end of the day, paying $6 per one T3 model sounds pretty steep.

Forge World Raise Prices Substantially For US Customers Hey GW, Here's How To Make Forge World Great Again

We saw this last year as well just before Forge World jumped their prices worldwide to allow customers the “privilege” of paying for their miniatures in their own currency:

Another example is a simple 40k codex. Listed at 25£, which converts to $32, we pay $40 for the same item online or in store here in the states.

It seems that GW is quite aware of this pricing difference and even refers to it in their T&C for the survey as well:

The currency and exact value of each prize will vary depending on the countries of residence of the winners.

Also, keep in mind that the original Sisters of Battle squads were pewter and previously offered at $80 for 10, so technically the plastic kits will be “cheaper” than the previous metals ones. However, it seems that most hobbyists we talked to did not expect a price tag of $60 for the new release later this year.

What do you think about the possible pricing of the Sisters of Battle? Are they too expensive or about where you think they should be? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.