GW’s Bundle Deals Disappearing Ahead of Price Hikes

By Rob Baer | January 18th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sould bound space marine wal hor

Hold on to your wallets, the Warhammer hobby is getting even more expensive in 2019 as Games Workshop has removed the top bundle box sets from their site.

Games Workshop recently announced an increase was coming for their paints and Start Collecting! Sets, however, they didn’t give anyone a heads up that their top bundle boxes were being removed from their site as well.

Seemingly overnight nearly all pre-boxed bundle deals have disappeared from Games Workshop site and its very slim pickings for the holiday Battleforces as they seem to be on the way to being completely out of stock as well (at least here in the US).

GW Webstore Watch: Battleforces Disappearing

gw webstore watch

As you can see above, some of the Holiday Battleforces are still for sale, but some are also completely missing as well. They don’t even indicate “Sold out online”.   Rather, it’s like they have been removed from GW’s webstore altogether!

Pre-Christmas Battleforces that are missing:

  • Daughters of Khaine: Devoted of Morathi
  • Space Marines: Primaris Interdiction Force
  • Death Guard: Infection Cluster

Let’s take a look at some of the Starter Boxes that had some of the best values from Games Workshop as it appears they have been removed from sale as well!

Blightwar: GONE?


Blightwar is completely gone. This showcased Neave and Horticulus Slimux doing battle in the realm of Nurgle. However, you can’t find it anywhere on the webstore.

Tooth & Claw GONE?

Tooth & Claw

Tooth and Claw is completely unsearchable and doesn’t pop up anywhere either. This Box Set was probably one of the more popular ones as both factions inside hadn’t gotten their Codex and even came with brand new models and rules.

We’re still waiting for the GSC codex and yet, GW removed the box.

Wake the Dead  GONE?

Wake the Dead pitted Primaris Marines against a force of Eldar. This box came with new models as well remained as a great building block for a Space Marines or Asuryani player.

gw webstore watch 2

As a matter of fact, the only thing that pops up is for LOTR and the Horus Heresy. It’s like it never even existed.

Forgebane  GONE?


Looking at Forgebane, it’s completely missing too. The Box showcased two of the (brand new Armigers at the time) as well the Cryptek on his Cloak. Yet once again, is completely unsearchable.


As a matter of fact, the only thing that pops up is for LOTR and the Horus Heresy. It’s like it never even existed.

Knight Renegade 2018 GONE?

renegade box

This box is one that you’d more than likely be splitting with a friend that plays Imperium or Chaos (Whichever one you don’t play). You still get two Knight seven though they are slightly limited in what you can make from the two. For example, you wouldn’t be able to put a fist on both Knights.  Regardless, it looks like its time has come and just like the 2016 version of this set, it is no longer for sale as well.

Betrayal at Calth & Burning of Prospero: Gone? & Been Gone



betrayal at calth 2



Looking at some of the older Box Sets that still retain their value in the community, they’re completely gone as well. These were so popular because of the incredible value inside. It also unlocked the potential for a player to play in both 30k and 40k all with one purchase. However, once again, on GW’s site its like neither ever existed!

What’s the Cause?

We don’t exactly know for sure why this is happening. We do know that Games Workshop is building another production site and there could be such high demand for these boxes right now that they just can’t keep up. Therefore, perhaps they decided to just completely wipe the boxes for now since the holidays have passed.

gw 2019 financial 2You could even make the case that selling a character model for $35 that is one quarter the size of a normal kit sprue is way more profitable than bundling 15-20 of those spures in a box at an additional discount.

blackstone mini sprue 2

However, that’s all just a theory.

Some of you may be distressed that you won’t be getting your hands on the exclusive models that come inside the Box Sets because you held off from buying them. Remember though, that we’ve seen a pattern of these “exclusive” models popping up later on.

Horticulus Slimux was originally in Blightwar but was released later as a separate box. The same goes for the Cryptek inside Forgebane, and even the Armigers out of the same box!

GSC aberrant Who's Tougher In 40k Kill Team: Death Guard or GSC - Spikey Bits

The Abominant and the new Aberrant models from Tooth and Claw haven’t made it to the shelves themselves just yet. But there’s a GSC codex waiting right around the corner where these guys could be making another guest appearance.

Were you able to get your hands on the boxes you wanted before the unexpectedly disappeared? Why do you think GW is pulling the boxes? Do you think we will ever see the exclusive models get released individually later on? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.