Here’s the Factions That Are (maybe) Next In Psychic Awakening

space marines psychic awakening warhammer 40k title wal hor19 down only 5 left to go- well maybe… From Greater Good to Engine War and beyond, take a look at the factions that are next up in Warhammer 40k Psychic Awakening.

Psychic Awakening has proven to be a wave of rules and a model or two for each faction in 40k. Back when Psychic Awakening was first announced, GW shed some light on the expansion saying that every faction would have some role to play.

psychic awakening new warhammer 40kSo now with multiple books under our belts now, you might be wondering what’s next. Here’s a full break down of what could be ahead, maybe…

40k Countdown: Which Factions are Left For Psychic Awakening?

psychic awakening factions Jan 2020Taking the chart GW revealed a while back of all the factions that would be getting support in Psychic Awakening, we’ve crossed out the ones we already have and color-coated the factions which might be in store for the next books. Let’s jump into what we know.

Going down the list, we’ve had:

  • Phoenix Rising- Eldar Vs. Eldar
  • Faith & Fury- Black Templars Vs. Chaos
  • Blood of Baal- Blood Angels Vs. Tyranids
  • Ritual of the Damned- GK, DA Vs. Thousand Sons

What’s to come:

Psychic Awakening 2020

Ghazghkull ThrakaGhaz is back!

With the factions that don’t have any clear book, i.e Custodes, Deathwatch, Harlequins, Necrons, and Sisters of Battle, That’s roughly 5-6 factions that are still in store for support.

That translates into two…possibly three books still ahead of us as we venture into 2020 (beyond The Greater Good and Engine War, of course). 

Given the past lore on all the factions and how they interact with each other, here are some educated guesses on what may be ahead.

patreon custodes wal hor

  • Sisters of Battle Vs. Necrons??– This is likely because Sisters were the first ones to encounter Necrons initially when they were introduced (back in 1997 IIRC).
  • Deathwatch Vs. Harlequins??- Harlequins are constantly boinging around realspace and disappearing in a flash. Deathwatch are a rapid response team that would be perfect for dealing with that kind of enemy. Especially given the fact that they’re Xenos.
  • Deathwatch Vs. Necrons. This one is pretty obvious we think…
  • Sisters working with Harlequins- Way back in book 1 what we assume to be Sister Epheral Stern (The Daemonifuge) was spotted with the Harlequin Pariah from the original graphic novel series.
  • Custodes- now taking the fight off Terra, they guys know about the webway and more. Where they will land in the series is still up for debate, though!
  • Imperial Guard- don’t rule the Guard out from appearing somewhere else in the series lineup either, they are, after all, legion…?

Any way you slice it, the odds of Psychic Awakening books stretching out once a month until May is a distinct possibility for sure. Perhaps the rest of the Sisters release will show up when their supplement arrives as well?

Of course, we’ll for sure see which factions go head-to-head in due time. But for now, what do you think lies ahead for The Greater Good? Which unconfirmed factions like Custodes and Necrons would you like to see go against one another?

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