Hidden In Plain Sight: The Next Four 40k Codex Releases?

new-gw-codex-releasesThe order of the next four Warhammer 40k codex releases may have been hidden in plain sight for a while now, take a look at this!

If you’ve seen all the releases that have been revealed for 9th Edition in the last batch of online previews, you know there’s a busy year in store for codex releases extending into 2021. But reading between the lines of the previews, we may have an idea of the next four books coming out.

Hidden In Plain Sight: The Next Four 40k Codex Releases?

40k codex Road mapWe’ll be taking a quick look at each codex that was given the spotlight in the previews as well as some books that could be appearing sometime in 2021. With that said, let’s start with the books coming out now and then moving forward.

November 2020: Space Wolves

9th edition space wolves codexWe pretty much know everything we’ll be getting for them as of right now. It looks like the supplements won’t be getting too many new models, but at least they are grabbing rules.

Ragnar BlackmaneWe most recently saw the release of Primaris Ragnar Blackmane by himself. He was in the Prophecy of the Wolf box but finally got his own separate kit.


deathwatch 9th edition codexFor the Deathwatch, they seem didn’t get anything new other than some upgrade sprues and a combat patrol box.

December 2020: Blood Angels

blood angels 9th edition codex

The release is coming soon, but it seems like they are going to keep sprinkling the Marine supplements throughout the codex releases. So we may see more coming along with the next four major faction books.  From the lastest preview our money is on a Dec 5th release along with at least the Gladiator tank, if not more like the Stormspeeder and Assault intercessors!

Death Guard

death guard codex

death guard new terrain 1


Lord of VirrulenceNext, we have the Death Guard. Which also had a preview mini released, which may be their free mini. Again it makes sense with the one free mini a month promotion. We even saw the preview of the Miasmic Malignifier terrain piece as well as the new Lord of Virulence. so if that trend continues, we chould see a terrain piece for every faction moving forward as well.

Murmillo Tank Upgrade For Hover TankIf you have an Impulsor kit already, this makes a great Gladiator Tank!

Murmillo Tank Upgrade For Impulsor Hover Tank $35

What About Codexes Set For 2021?

Dark Eldar hor walWell, we know that codex support is still going to be a thing in 2021. They released some teaser artwork recently, but it looks to just be placeholder art, so we still have to wait a little longer for confirmation. GW left the fans with this comment:

Dark Angels fans won’t have to wait much longer – your codex supplement will be on its way early next year, along with the first Xenos codex of 2021.

So what could be some models/bits that we’ve already seen that may make their first appearance in 2021? So, let’s just say Dark Angels are coming and focus on the next four.

We have seen tons of teasers for two Xenos factions and two Imperial ones. Mainly Dark Eldar, Orks, Ad Mech, and Sisters. It would all make sense with what they’ve shown and how they seem to want the 2021 releases to go. I mean lets face it rarely goes GW preview something if its not coming out within the next few months.

TL;DR The first xeno codexes releases for 8th Edition were:

  • Craftworlds October 2017
  • Tyranids November 2017

And the first non-Marine books were:

  • Adeptus Mechanicus September 2017
  • Astra Militarum October 2017

Dark Eldar

Will the first new Xenos book release after Necrons be Dark Eldar? Well, we know of at leases one new model out there that is on the way for them. Their previous book was released near the beginning of 8th Edition 40k in the Spring of 2018, so they are set for a release.



new lelith 2


Indomitus day Lelith 1


lelith hesperax 2For the Dark Eldar, it looks like Lelith Hesperax is going to be the next model in line for a makeover. We’ve seen some angles of a new model that just look like a more updated version of the current Lelith Hesperax model. Also, they were one of the early releases in 8th, so it would make sense. Lastly, they already have a Webway portal mold, so it would be easy to just add that in quickly as their terrain piece.


ork model preview 1


ork model preview 2For Orks, it looks like there’s some kind of Bowser-looking dude that may be coming eventually. A perfect fit for the free mini promotion.

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Sisters of Battle

sister of battle new modelThere’s also this new Sisters model with Plasma Pistol and Ecclesiarchy Rosary on the way at some point. We even got a single rule for her the other day and her name, the Palatine. So this would make sense even though they had a rework not too terribly long ago…

Adeptus Mechanicus

Ad Mech may sound weird to see already, but it was actually one of the first non-Space Marine factions released for 8th Edition 40k in October 2017.

admech new model


admech new model 2Finally, there’s this Ad Mech duder that looks to be another coming Tech-Priest of some kind. He’s got some kind of command rod in his left hand as well as something strapped to his back.

Taking Dark Angels into account that gives us 3 Imperials, and two Xenos factions that could get us to a March 2021 time frame when GW usually does a big preview push at GAMA, and then Adepticon repsectively.

There’s no denying that there’s a lot on the table for 40k. But signs are looking pretty good that GW could be releasing some new codexes for things other than Marines soon!

What Xenos army do you think will get the first book? Which Imperial faction do you want to see updated?

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