Latest Previews: Forge World Open 2018

By Tim Roberts | July 16th, 2018 | Categories: Forge World Open, Warhammer 40k News

Adeptus Titanicus warlord painted

Forge World Open was in full swing over the weekend, check out all the new releases for 40k, Adeptus Titanicus, and more. Don’t miss the latest!

Games Workshop wasted no time showcasing the model’s everyone has been waiting for.  We have photos from James Martin who from the event itself, with some great Warhammer Community official product shots sprinkled in as well.

Event Exclusives

People at the Forge World open can buy these items this morning. Take a close look at the prices and be on the lookout for when they arrive for sale on their website hopefully later this summer!

FW open 1

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The Cheerleaders that were previewed at Warhammer Fest are finally up for grabs along with Scoria and Jenetia Krole. That’s not even half of all the goodies that are on sale at the event

Latest Previews: Forge World Open 2018

New Lord Of The Rings Starter Box Set & Contents

nazgul wal hor

Check out the big news from Middle Earth. Forge World previewed a new Starter box that’s coming to Lord of the Rings amongst all the other excitement today. Get ready for more value!

New Adeptus Titanicus Previews & Train: SPOTTED

heresy pain trainThis Titanicus train has no brakes! Adeptus Titanicus is getting more of the spotlight today at the Forge World Open with some new expansions, terrain and more.

Exclusive Pics: New 30k & 40k At Forge World Open

Forge World Open

Horus Heresy and Warhammer 40k are getting more great releases from Forge World. Check out the latest exclusives and previews from the event itself.

This has been an exciting day from the Forge World. Make sure you stay right here for all the Fresh Forge World updates! Also, check us out on our Hobbies Facebook Group to see what everyone else is saying about all the latest news from Nottingham.

forge world open 2018

Latest from Forge World Open