Lord of Virulence, Miasmic Malignifier Unboxing

By Travis Pasch | February 1st, 2021 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Death Guard unboxing feature rJoin us for this giant unboxing as we hit the 3 new Death Death Guard kits, the Lord of Virulence, Miasmic Malignifier, and Poxwalkers.

This week we are unboxing some of the new Death Guard kits and seeing what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop. Rob goes over some of his favorite parts from each kit and tells you all the Gotchas as well.

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course comparisons.  That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

Death Guard Lord of Virulence, Miasmic Malignifier Unboxing

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Unboxing of Death GuardThese are the three kits we’re going over today. Rob decided to not grab the cards or the Combat Patrol because they didn’t really have too much value and the cards seemed cheaper this time around and actually more expensive. If you do want the Combat Patrol you can check out our pricing breakdown of it here.


Poxwalkers instructionsThe instructions are the same as they used to be where they usually come in two pieces but with a little bit of variance. You’re pretty much locked into a few poses those.

Poxwalkers sprueThis is the exact same sprue used in the Dark Imperium box. So it actually comes with a few random Death Guard bits, which is never a bad thing. It comes with one sprue and runs for $35 from GW.

Painted PoxwalkerSince these have been out for three years (just reboxed with this edition) we’ve already painted and built a ton of these guys! If you want to see how we did this one, check out the tutorial here.

Size comparison PoxwalkerThey are actually pretty large when you put them on a scenic base and don’t look tiny compared to a Space Marine.

Lord of Virulence:

New Death Guard kit Lord of VirulenceThis is the next kit up and people have had some varying opinions on this one. Rob thinks they could have done a little better on this, but some people really do love it.

Lord of Virulence instructionsThe instructions look very easy, but there are some parts that you have to clamshell together that could be a little annoying. Also, the gun and Powerfist are two parts.

Lord of virulence sprueYou get one sprue with this and it looks to be the Easier to Build style but not push-fit. This is actually pretty busy and has some mold lines in some pretty strange pieces.

Lord of VirulenceIt went together with a couple of little hiccups because there is so much going on, but not a ton of issues. This is one of those minis that looks better in person than online. So it kind of makes sense why they posed it like this when you can see it from more than one angle.

Lord of Virulence size comparison 2Obviously, he towers over the Poxwalker so the scale seems pretty good.

Lord of Virulence size comparisonWe probably expected this but he barely comes up to the feet of Morty!

Miasmic Malignifier:

Miasmic Malignifier new death guard kitThis runs for $60 dollars and is actually quite large. This is one of the new styles of terrain that gives your armies some buffs.

Miasmic Malignifier new death guard kit instructionsThere are a couple of little spots that could be worrisome, but there are a bunch of notches and the instructions are very well laid out. There are a ton of extra bits that also all look like they attach easily.

Miasmic Malignifier new death guard kit sprue


Miasmic Malignifier new death guard kit sprue 2This comes with two very chonky sprues with a lot of pieces. This is made in China, but it really has come a long way since they started their production there that 8 years ago and is very detailed. There are basically no areas left blank and looks like it’s pretty well-designed.

Miasmic Malignifier new death guard kit 2It went together pretty easily and is actually way taller than Rob expected. It’s about 11″ tall, so nothing to sneeze at! There is an extra random pipe that doesn’t really attach to anything and makes it take up much more room. For the most part, the flash and gaps are pretty hidden so you shouldn’t have a ton to fill or clip off.

Miasmic Malignifier new death guard kit sizeIt is way bigger than the other terrain out there for Nurgle!

Miasmic Malignifier new death guard kit size 2It’s almost as big as Morty! So you know this thing is big.  That does it for this one! The Death Guard’s newest kits are pretty interesting.

Get Your Death Guard Kits Here!

Will you be adding these to your collection? Which new kit is your favorite?

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This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.