More Proof GW Should Slow Down: Greater Good Updated Already…

dark eldar The Guardian Compares GW Models to HeroinNot even one week after our editorial praising GW for their work on the Sister codex, they forget to put Shadowsun’s points IN THE NEW BOOK.

I hate writing these, I really do. I wish we just lived in a perfect hobby world where our model’s rules just auto-updated and we didn’t have to keep buying supplement after supplement to keep up with rules that are going to change in a few months anyway.

I had to say it. I hate to have to say it… but at this point, there is no way NOT to say it. Games Workshop is literally putting out supplements so fast their editors can’t keep up.

ritual of the damned lazarusOkay, so this didn’t have a huge effect on the tabletop. Although it did make us shake our heads… Lazarus, the new Primaris model that they previewed for weeks leading up to the new Ritual of the Damned expansion to Psychic Awakening didn’t even have his points printed in the book.

I want to praise you GW I do, we all do. But two supplements in a row you forgot the one model you actually released’s points. First Lazarus, then Shadowsun. I mean it’s really tough to spin this and stay positive right now for me.  I supposed maybe these two models were not intended to release with the book when they were printed maybe, and that’s why their points were omitted, but that doesn’t explain why the datasheets were in there though.

Plus that not even the worst part, the literal best Tau player in the world,  LVO and ITC champ Richard Siegler says her points are too expensive for what she does.

Look while it is GREAT that we get rules updates and the game keeps going year after year- if you are going to charge a premium price hobbyists demand a premium product. Right now that is just not the case, and hobbyists deserve better GW.

You were good once. Be better again.

So here are the points costs for Shadowsun, and if you want to see more of the model we got you right here too.

Greater Good Update

Commander Shadowsun is so stealthy that we couldn’t find her points value to put in The Greater Good book! Fortunately, we’ve tracked it down now.

shadowsun point costs tau greater good

Here’s our editorial from last week if you want to read where we pointed out how GW did a great job with the Sister’s codex, but not many other books this year.

cadian honor female guardsman

Please Slow Down GW: You’re Going Too Fast For Yourself

With the same rules team for Psychic Awakening and all the Space Marine codexes writing the Forge World 8th edition update, what are you hoping they’ll fix? Will they take their time with the project or pump it out only to have a huge FAQ drop shortly after? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!