More Value: Tooth & Claw Starter Set Review

By Tim Roberts | August 27th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

More Value: Tooth & Claw Starter Set Warhammer 40k

Check out some hot values for Primaris Marines and new exclusive Genestealer Cult models in our Tooth & Claw 40k Starter Box review!

The new Space Wolves are finally here ad they bring with them something special for Gennestealer Cult players as well. Let’s take a look and see what the new Tooth and Claw two player box holds.

Tooth and Claw: $150

Get yours for less from Miniature Market

Tooth & Claw

Tooth and Claw is a great-value boxed set containing 2 armies split across the forces of the Space Wolves – a fiercely independent Space Marine Chapter who have existed for ten millennia – and the Genestealer Cults – a sinister organisation of hybrids whose swollen ranks will surely conquer. You can use these miniatures to act out the scenarios described in the Tooth and Claw book – 4 connected missions that recreate the violence on Vigilus – and use them to expand your games of Warhammer 40,000.

Tooth & Claw Sprues

The first thing you will notice in this two army box is the lack of Easy To Build or ETB sprues. These kits are the real deal. No laser sliced cookie cutter miniatures in sight. This allows you to customize your army to your liking and gives you some real value to your hobby dollars.

Genestealer Cult

Genestealer Cultists

Genestealer Cults are getting half the box dedicated to them in Tooth and Claw so let’s check out what the units cost by themselves.

  • Abominant: $35 (Estimated) This is a new model so we don’t know the price of it just yet. If it follows suit with normal characters, it’ll probably be around $35 dollars. But these characters in Tooth and Claw can only be found in the box which can drive the value up on the secondary market.
  • Aberrant(new models): $60 (Estimated) Aberrants aren’t on GWs website anymore (as they were from the Overkill box set originally) but you can find models on eBay going for about $12.50 a piece. Keep in mind these are new Aberrant models in this offering so they may be slightly more expensive. 
  • Hybrid Metamorphs: $40
  • Purestrain Genestealers: $30
  • Acolyte Iconward:  $25

Going off of the prices we know alone, you’re at $95. With aberrants going for 12.50 on eBay as of right now and a model being an exclusive character to this box, you’re probably sitting at about $190+ of value.

Space WolvesSpace Wolves

As for Space Wolves, they’re getting the Primaris treatment. Let’s look at the value of everything for the warriors of Fenris.

  • Primaris Battle Leader: $35 (Estimated) Like we’ve said before, in keeping with the character price trend, we’re expecting him to be about $35+.
  • Aggressors: $50
  • Intercessors (Combat Squad): $35
  • Redemptor Dreadnought: $65 

In total, you’re looking at about $185+ for Space Wolves (not counting any primaris upgrade sprues at $12.50 ea).

  • Tooth & Claw MSRP: $150
  • Total Estimated Value of Both Factions: $375
  • Total Savings off MSRP: $225 or about 60% OFF

Well, I think the numbers speak for themselves on this box. There is a lot of value to be had in Tooth and Claw for the gamer who is looking to get miniatures for their army for less.

Instructions T&CGames Workshop also gives you individual assembly instructions for each unit in tooth and claw. So you will have no problems splitting this two army box set with a friend or trading units you don’t want, for ones you do.

Tooth & Claw New Sprues

Next up we take a look at the three new sprues that are as of now exclusive to the Tooth and claw box. The Space Wolves Primaris Upgrade, the Space Wolves Battle Leader, and the Genestealer Cult  Abominant.

This new box set will set you up nice if you are looking to collect the prospective armies within. You’re essentially doubling the money you put into getting one box for yourself. This is another sweet deal that we usually see from GW box sets. 

Make sure you check out our full Tooth & Claw Unboxing And Review Video below!