New 40k Tau Devilfish Rules & Stratagems Preview!

new-tau-markerlights-pathfindersWe’ve seen a ton of rules ahead of the codex release, but GW isn’t done and just revealed new 40k Tau Devilfish rules!

With everything we’ve seen so far, Tau seems to be really getting some big buffs. With the book coming soon, it’s only a matter of time we see how they perform in games. If you want to check out the release date and all the pricing for the new Tau stuff, you can here.

Warhammer Community unveiled a couple of new rules and even two new stratagems. If you were wondering how the humble Devilfish would fare in the new book, this gives you a good idea. Let’s check out the rules.

GW Reveals New 40k Tau Devilfish Rules

Devilfish Rules

The workhorse APC for the entire T’au Empire, the Devilfish is versatile enough for each Tactical Philosophy. Commanders who prefer Mont’ka can surge forwards at the onset of battle with the Armoured Aggression rule, deploying a payload of Fire Warriors into close range in order to maximise their firepower.

These are two pretty interesting rules. The first will let you redeploy either forward, or just to reinforce a flank if you made some mistakes while deploying. Then, taking this off the board can be super strong if you really need to be somewhere completely different next turn.

New Stratagems

Devilfish Rules 2

Once the Fire Warriors have reached their destination, they waste no time in springing from their transport and blazing away with pulse fire. The most dedicated will leap while their ride is still in motion, landing with a roll heedless of their own safety.

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Disembarking after moving will really increase your mobility and with this being a Stratagem for up to three Devilfish, you can really cover a lot of ground and take your opponent by surprise.

Devilfish Rules 3

Even without passengers, the Devilfish provides ample firepower and can support nearby infantry with a suite of sensor equipment. Sophisticated onboard systems guide Fire Warriors towards priority targets, and are especially good for getting the most out of the ion rifles and rail rifles carried by Pathfinder teams.

Getting that many re-rolls for only one CP is pretty crazy. While it’s only on one unit, you will really up your chances of hitting, and again, it’s only one CP.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming Tau rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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