New 40k Tau Prototype Systems Rules Revealed!

new-tau-rules-shadowsunWith all the updates already to Battlesuits, they will be stronger than ever, especially with the new Tau Prototype Systems rules!

It looks like Tau will have more options than ever before with all the new rules. The new rules will give you options to destroy more tanks, survive enemy shooting better, and some really sneaky mortals. Some are once per battle, but if used correctly, they could make a huge difference.

Warhammer Community just revealed a bunch of new Prototype rules for your Battlesuits. So if you’ve been dreaming of better suits, it looks like GW has you covered this time!

New 40k Tau Prototype Systems Rules Revealed!

New Tau rules

We’ve all been there – you power up your fusion blaster to give a Repulsor or Battlewagon what for, and then a whole tank column shows up at once. Now, thanks to the wonders of Earth Caste science, one gun can bore through anything that stands between your battlesuit and your target. The Alternating Fusion Blaster is a serious investment in points, and as with all Prototype Systems it can only be taken once per army – but there’s nothing better for turning enemies into a neat row of molten scrap.

We’re not sure how many points this will be but if you get off a perfectly lined up attack with this, wow, you can do a ton of damage! If you can pass over two other tanks, you’ll be doing D6+2 Damage to 3 vehicles at Strength 8 and -4 AP! Pretty sweet. This is also not once per battle, so if you can do this twice in a game, the points should be easily made up.

Tau Prototype Systems

Veteran T’au Empire commanders are no stranger to the joys of soaring around in a Coldstar battlesuit, and you can now channel your inner Dam Buster with a set of hidden bomblet bays. Enemies who stop to marvel at your graceful parabola will get the shock of their lives in a rain of high-yield explosives.

This isn’t the strongest (mainly because you have to be super close), but if you can get this off for a few turns, and use it to snipe characters, it could be really impactful.

Stimm Injectors

Tau Prototype Systems 2

While finding new and interesting ways to detonate enemies of the T’au’va is fun, some Prototype Systems are more defensive in nature. A new version of the stimm injector, for instance, gives an imperilled pilot a short burst of focus during which they can shrug off even the most horrendous wounds.

This is only once per battle, but it could be a good way to get your suit to survive one extra round. If a big weapon gets through your armor, you then have a 50% chance of saving all the damage it does.

E-H Disruption Suite

Tau Prototype Systems 3

Most foes rely on primitive and cunning Stratagems to resist the Greater Good, so the ability to throw a wrench in their plans for a turn is worth its weight in gold.

This could be really good, but it feels a little hard to use properly, but if you know they are really going to buff up one or two units, this can really get rid of all their CP.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming Tau rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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