New Blood Angels Primaris Dante Model Confirmed By GW!

new-blood-angels-commander-dante games workshop confirms

After being spotted out in the wild, Games Workshop has confirmed the new Blood Angels Primaris Dante model!

Move over, Azrael; there’s a new character crossing the Primaris Rubicon. GW actually shipped one of these to someone (which you can see here), so they just went ahead and decided to reveal the mini. He definitely keeps the feel and spirit of the old character but is much more scaled-up and detailed. 

They did say he’s just the tip of the iceberg for reveals this month, but it’s making the rumors of a Blood Angels and Tyranids box look more likely. That’s all still just a rumor though, so let’s jump into the big reveal!

New Blood Angels Primaris Dante Model Confirmed By GW!

The new model comes from this Warhammer Community Post.

Primaris Dante

The Day of Revelation has come a little earlier than expected, so eager is Dante to smite the enemies of the Imperium – but luckily for the Lord of Angels, the master artificers of the Blood Angels are at the top of their game. He now sports an up-to-the-minute suit of modified Mark X armour, wrought in his inimitable gold.

The new model is pretty dope and really keeps the feel of the Firstborn version, just much bigger (oh, and tactical rock too, obviously).

Primaris Dante 2

But while Dante might have new bulk, new organs, and a very sleek new style of jump pack, inside he’s the same venerable, iron-willed realist, the archetypal Son of Sanguinius and a paragon of the noble Chapter he has led for so long. When Guilliman awoke, he was so moved by Dante’s wisdom, nous, and sense of duty that he appointed him Lord Regent of Imperium Nihilus – bestowing upon him the sacred task of holding half the Imperium together even in the absence of the light of the Astronomican.

There have been a lot of rumors about a new Primaris jump pack unit, and this looks to be a new style of pack (or at least the style from the Space Marine 2 game). So, it would make sense for Games Workshop to possibly have that new jump unit also ready to send to stores as well.

Primaris Dante 3

Dante retains his iconic equipment. His new armour incorporates the Death Mask of Sanguinius, his laurel wreath, and a refashioned Iron Halo. He wields his melta-spewing Perdition Pistol and the Axe Mortalis, which have been upscaled to suit his newly massive frame.

They basically scaled everything up, added some new flowing bits, and added more detail!

But that is not all, as we have plenty of rumors about the venerable Commander Dante to re-examine below now!

RUMORS: Commander Dante & 4 New HQ Models For Warhammer 40k

First off, Valrak had this to say in his forum post:

Hello everyone, you may have already seen my video on the subject but thought I’d share it here as well. Hearing that next year leading up the launch of the new Edition are going to be some pretty big HQ reveals. Listed them below:

    • Dante
    • Azrael
    • Farsight
    • Named Daemon Prince

And the edition is then supposed to wrap up with the return of the Lion. Again, take them for what they are, as I always say, just because I trust the source doesn’t mean you have to. I’ve inlcluded a link to the video in case you wanted more info on the rumoured book series and the models. Have a good one

So Commander Dante, Azrael, Farsight, and a new named Daemon Prince model that we assume is Vashtorr? That’s a strong list that will get fans all Warhammer 40k factions hype once they roll around (if the rumors turn out to be true)!

Commander Dante and Farsight are both super important characters, but their models are decent, so this might mean they are getting overhauls/resizing IE Dante becoming Primaris!

Rumors for 10th Edition 40k were spotted on Reddit that seem to both confirm and deny previous rumors for Space Marines, World Eaters, and more…

Burner account

Space Marines 2.0 codex in 2023
– adds jump assault infantry in a shadowspear style release with World Eaters
– “primaris” terminators held back for 10th edition

10th Ed starters feature Blood Angels and Tyranids:
– new “primaris” terminators; jump death company; captain; sanguinary priest
– broodlord, new genestealers, macrofex, hypergants, zoanthrope HQ

Blood Angels faction release:
– Sanguinor (Primarch / avatar of sanguinius), lots of cherubs
– Dante (model has been ready since 2019)
– Death Company chaplain
– Furioso Redemptor
– Sanguinary guard
– Upgrade sprue

– Macrofex
– Old One Eye (macrofex size)
– Hypergant swarms (105mm base)
– New genestealers
– New hormaguants

The big takeaway is that a major Space Marines release may have been pushed back to early 2023 from previous rumors of fall of 2022. Perhaps the smaller chapter supplements could release first in the fall to drum up hype, and then the main 2.0 book could drop along with the rumored new model releases we have seen some images for already.

deathstorm shield of baal box

A new starter pitting Blood Angels vs. Tyranids again, like the 2014 shield of Baal Deathstorm set (25 miniatures for $125), would be pretty cool to see. We’re sure Tyranids players would also gobble up new Genestealer models.

What do you think about the new Dante model? Are you excited to see what else is on the way for Blood Angels? 

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