New Free Mini of the Month & Coin Promotion for SEPT

free-from-gwIt looks like the Leagues of Votann are coming soon, as they are both the new September GW free mini of the month and a promotional coin!

The free miniature and coin promotion have been going for well over a year now (well counted in coins, not necessarily actual months). To participate, head to your nearest GW store, and if you spend $100, you get the coin (while supplies last). 

But all you have to do to get the free figure is just walk in and ask, well, while supplies last, that is… And considering this will be a Leagues of Votann mini, they might not last long at all. 

Warhammer Community just unveiled the latest new coin and mini so if you want the coin, save up at least $100 to spend.

GW store instideThey do one of these promotions monthly, and the coins are generally based on that month’s new releases. Also, if you collect at least six of the coins, you can score a nice little binder to hold them in.

Let’s look at the most recent coins, then jump into the new stuff. However, if you want to see all the previous months, check those out here

August Free Mini

Free GW mini

But to whet the appetites of visitors to Warhammer stores this month, we’re going one better – a completely free model for you to collect, build, and paint.  This putrid punk is a Mirefolk Outcast, a grimy junior member of the Rotmire Creed warband who’s arrived in the Gnarlwood at the behest of his mirky masters to seek grime and glory. You can collect this model from your local Warhammer store from Saturday the 13th of August (while stocks last) – speak to your store manager to find out more.

Last month they changed things up by handing out all of the same specific model and said they will continue that trend. Before they just opened a box and gave you anyone inside, this one actually came on its own sprue for the promotion, ensuring people grabbed this exact mini.

Leagues of Votann Get a Free Mini of the Month

Leagues of Votann Coin Free Mini

The Leagues of Votann are on their way, and you can get your hands on one of their Hearthkyn Warrior miniatures for free in your local Warhammer store next month. These Kin are the core of any Leagues army so what better way to start your collection or to try out a paint scheme for your force?

You’ll be able to pick up one of these miniatures in store in September – while stocks last. Ask your local manager how you can get one when they’re available. 

It looks like this time, they are going back to just opening a box, as they don’t specifically say you’ll get this specific mini. So hopefully, they have a bunch of boxes to open up and hand out.

Either way, that may mean we’ll be seeing the Leagues of Votann soon, as stores may have boxes there! So perhaps, after all the rumors and such, it looks like the Leagues will be out before Imperial Guard, but if you’ve been waiting for Squats, this is great.

September Coin

Leagues of Votann Coin Free Mini 2

While you’re in a store, you’ll also be able to acquire September’s coin of the month while stocks last, which is also Leagues of Votann-themed and will be available from the 3rd of September.

The coin is pretty cool, and considering there seems to be a lot of hype around the new Leagues of Votann minis, it should be easy to hit that $100 requirement for the promo!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited to see Leagues of Votann get the miniature and coin for September? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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